Chapter Forty-One

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(NOTE- I've tried my hardest in this chapter with the reactions and drama. I apologize if this doesn't live up to expectations or if it wasn't 'explosive' enough'. I wanted to keep things realistic and try to abide by 'family' related in terms of interactions. Furthermore, I humbly request that after you read this chapter TO NOT message me that this chapter isn't as good or whatnot. If you have negative things about the chapter, please keep them to yourselves)

(PS- These passing months have drained me mentally so that's why it might be lackluster)

"The proclamation?" I asked. Many around me flinch at the mention of it, "What about it?"

"I just find it admirable and very loyal of you to stand by Danny and be his lover even after knowing the terms of the agreement."

"Ally." Audrey hissed, "Shut up."

"What are you talking about?" I tilt my head in confusion, "What terms?"

"W-Wait? You don't know?" Ally looked skeptical for a moment only to let out a cackle, "Oh my lord, this is too funny."

"I pity you." Leah joined in, alarming her daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter, "To blind to see the truth." She turned to Mal, "Especially you, my dear."

"Pity me?" Mal crossed her arms, "And what pray tell is it that you pity me?"

"What's going on?" Mom questioned.

"This is excellent, too excellent." Stefan laughed.

"What is happening right now?" Dad asked.

"This is the greatest day of my life." Ally wiped a non-existent tear from her eye, "Don't you monsters get it? You're all being lied to and deceived by the very people that love you and those who you bonded." Ben flinched.

"How could you all have not noticed?" Chad smirked making his parents shudder and glare, "My word you are idiots." Danny and Layla glare menacingly at the blonde.

"What's going on?" I turned around to see the majority of Auradon citizens flinch, pale, and look away. The only people that look remotely confused as I was were the Wonderlander's, my kids, the VK's and the V- parents (V-villain), my parents, and my family.

"Allow me to explain." Ally raises her hand enthusiastically, "You see Ethan." Her tone when she spoke of my name was so sickly sweet it made my skin crawl, "By the time the Proclamation was being made, the King and Queen, had every royal, their children and the councils, par the Supreme Council, and the government, to attend the meeting. In that meeting, everyone agreed to the proclamation."

"Every royal?" Aunt Miranda raised an eyebrow at that, "I certainly didn't get an invitation or was aware of such a meeting taking place."

"Well since your nations are not a part of Auradon, we didn't see the need to include you."  Leah shrugged.

"Oh great, another meeting we were not notified." Dad scowled, "What the hell Beast?!" Adam and Belle gulped.

"Meetings like discussing proclamations require both Emperor and Empress to attend." Mom said, "You guys had no right!"

"Well," Ally continued, "In that meeting, everyone agreed to the three young leader's proclamation, in exchange for certain additions to be taken place. The additions being terms of the agreement."

"Terms of agreement?" Rafael questioned.

"I'm not liking this." Dylan moved closer to his beloved.

The tension in the theatre room suddenly got ice cold. I looked to Dan-Dan who was shivering and looking like death has gotten him with Ben's and Layla's. The AKs huddle into tiny groups whispering lowly to one another with those that sat next to the VK'S taking giant steps back, confusing them. I could sense the emotions of emotions filling the air around me; Distraught, despair, pain, anguish, regret, sadness, and fear.

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