Chapter Five

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(The limo turns around the corner and they arrive at their destination- Auradon Prep. Looking out the window, they pass a sign- 'Welcome to Auradon Prep- Goodness doesn't get any better.')

"'Goodness doesn't get any better?' Really?" Octavia raises an eyebrow, "Holy hell you guys are lame."

"It doesn't sound very appealing for people to attend." Melissa said.

"Sounds so boring." Dylan adds. "I mean come on, where's the fun factor?"

Mal- Oy vey, what fresh hell have we entered?

"Really Mal?" Ben raises an eyebrow.

"In my defence, it looks all 'cheery' and 'preppy', things that my friends, brother and I aren't used to." Mal replied.

Evie- Oh lighten up.

(Ethan looks out the window and admire the various greenery and how radiant the scenery is; How its all so green and alive. The birds flying in the sky and flowers in full bloom.)

"It's so pretty!" Dizzy said.

"It really is." I said.

(As they approach closer to the school, Ethan and the others can see the colours of blue and yellow everywhere.)

Carlos- The people here really like yellow and blue.

"Where is the originality?" Bella asks, "There are more than two colours you know."

"We use those colours to represent our devotion and our loyalty to the King and Queen." Fairy Godmother explains.

"I like blue as much as the next person," Octavia pops upon one of the many bottles she grabbed earlier, "But there are different shades."

(The Isle kids can see many people waving, cheering and smiling.)

"Ugh." Sora winces in disgust, "You lot seriously wear that sh*t?" He asks as he see's the people's attire. "How revolting."

Many teens and adults frown and glare at Sora for that comment.

(Ethan smiles as he looks at the banners and then turns his head to spot something that causes him to duck slightly.)

Ethan- Oh no.

Carlos- What's wrong big brother? (Ethan point's to the right. Carlos turns and his eyes widen.) Oh.

(The person in question is Maria White holding a sign in the air in bold letters- Welcome to Auradon Prep Ethan Heart!)

"That's me!" Maria gleams for a second before her smile disappears. "Y-You didn't want to see me cousin?"

"I-It's not that Maria." I turn to her, "I was scared of you a little bit. After all, Hearts raised me to hate Wonderlander's and she told me all sorts of stories about auntie Miranda and her daughter."

"S-She what?!" Maria sniffles slightly, "She would tell you lies about me and my mom?" I nod.

"How cruel..." Auntie Miranda whispers, gripping hard on her sceptre.

"Don't worry though cousin." I smile, "I never believed them. I wanted to meet you as well, even though I was nervous at the time."

Maria smiles and hugs me.

"I love you cousin." She said.

"I love you too." I said returning the hug.

(Ethan holds his chest and his breathing gets a little heavy.)

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now