Chapter Thirty Nine

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It was not too long before grandma Blue Fairy called for all of us to head back into the theatre room and to take our places. With the new arrivals plus new additions to the family, the room had to be expanded a bit. My children all decided to sit around me with Danny next to me and the new arrivals in the row in front of me. Before the movie began, grandma Blue Fairy swished her wand, reverting everyone else's clothing back to their Family Day attire. Some were dissapointed but nonetheless understood the reasons why.

They can't be in PJ's forever. 

Mom and dad decided to sit on my other side with Catherine, Juliet, Rafael and Dylan in the row in front next to my other cousins Marinette and Marc. The people from Paris got their food and sat comfortably and eager to see what has transpired through the month of my, and the Four VK's time in Auradon. From what I have been told, they were all told beforehand what had happened so far. Needless to say, they were all annoyed, but not as much as Marinette and Marc. Both of them were livid to say the least. It took Nathaniel to sweet talk Marc down and allow his 'Rainbow' as he called the male to snuggle up against him while Kagami and the others had to calm Marinette who was struggling to keep her emotions of rage. Though no one could see her apart from her wielder and I, Tikki was sat on her lap in her soothing the girl. Trixx on the other hand stayed with the Jewelpets conversing with them while keeping themselves out of sight. I hold my chest as I felt the remnants of the Fox Pendant under my shirt, out of view.

With everyone ready, we all await as the grand fairy swished her wand, making the screen roar to life.

(The screen resumes on from the Tourney game and now focuses on Evie. The girl in question is heading over to her next class for the Chemistry test that is about to take place. She is with her girl squad, all chattering to one another about the exam, most nervous in regards of the grades, Evie was the only one not bothered in the test but instead is focusing on a problem that is about to come to fruition. She remembers a certain someone in her class by the name of Chad Charming. She grows Anxious a little but shakes the feelings off to focus on her friends)

Layla- (To Evie) Hey Evie. Quickly hand me the magic mirror.

Evie- (Nods and hands over the mirror) Thank you Layla for doing this.

Layla- You're welcome Evie.

Ashley- I'm nervous about this test. (Grumbles) This test is apparently huge.

Tati- No joke. I hear this test is sixty percent of our final grade.

"Sixty percent?!" Chloe, Marinette and Sabrina gasped.

"Isn't that a little much?" Juleka muttered, "I thought normally huge tests would be about twenty percent towards the final grade."

"That's how its been so far in most schools." Vanessa spoke, "It seems Auradon must be different. Can't say I'm surprised though."

"Really?"  Marc turned to her.

"Auradon has always been 'out there' in regards of everything."

"And by 'out there' she means that Auradon thinks they are superior to others and demand utter excellence from people."

"I wouldn't go that far." Luka sweat dropped.

Andrea-  (To herself) Everything's going to be fine, everything's going to be fine.

Esme- We shall persevere and we shall we get high marks ladies. (Smiles) We will make this out with good grades.

"Is it just me, or is this group like those stereotypical girl squads you see on TV?" Nathaniel wonders.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now