Chapter Twenty Three

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(The scene continues from the Remedial Goodness 101 classroom that is taking place in the faculty lounge. The sound of the bell chimes, signalling the end of class. The AK's, minus Maria, Danny, Ashley and Peter, say their goodbyes and leave Ethan and the VK's in the room)

(Layla and Ben walk into the classroom with their belongings in their hands)

Ben- So guys, how was Remedial Goodness class?

Mal- It was okay, besides the drama involving videos involving Big brother and Ashley.

Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos and the AK's that took the Remedial Goodness class, glared at Ally and Chad.

"Does anyone have that video of my little brother, by any chance?" Edith asks with a creepy smile, "I very much would love to see it."

"You're not alone." Uriah tilts his head and smiles creepily, "I'd love to see that video as well."

"Me as well." Damon cracks his knuckles, "As his siblings, its only fitting should."

"You are so right guys." Harmony's eyes glowed bright, "We've been told on what happened but we'd like to see the video. Anyone care to share us the video in question?"

The four of them were emitting very powerful dark auras that oozed with rage, bitterness and malice. Some of the AK's shudder and could feel the room getting extremely cold.

"O-Oh boy." Danny sweat dropped and moved closer to me, "You're siblings are so scary. I can feel their anger dripping out of them."

"Yeah." I chuckled nervously, "Should've mentioned something sooner." I turn to him, "Like Mal, you don't ever, ever, mess with Edith, Harmony, Damon and Uriah. They are feared on the Isle for their anger and their parents."

Ben- I heard about that. I am so sorry for what happened.

Ethan- I-It's okay.

Ashley- (Wiping away her tears) Hopefully everything will be dealt with.

Layla- (Growling) It had better be sorted. For the sake of the school.

"And Auradon for that matter." Mom said.

"To think that today's generation in Auradon can be such conniving fools." Aunt Medusa hisses.

"That's an understatement, sis." Hela said as she checks her nails in a diva like manner.

"Sad to say that with how things are going, I'm finding it hard to contemplate just who are the real villains." Aunt Miranda frowned.

"Surely the answer that will reveal itself in due time through the course of this movie." Aunt Jewelina adds.

(Danny pulls Ethan close to him)

For some odd reason, I could hear growling coming from my VK siblings, almost in a possessive manner.

Danny- Now, now, now, let's not do things we will regret later. Those people will have what's coming to them.

Layla- (Stops growling and composes herself) Lets pray on that.

"She definitely has inherited your beastly side, dear." Belle giggles. Adam pouts but then chuckles.

"She definitely has." He said, "To all those in the theatre, don't mess with my daughter." Layla blushes madly.


"You're just so adorable when you growl." Ashley said with a smile. The daughter of Belle and Adam smirks and leans into her ear.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now