Chapter Fourteen

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(The scene starts back at the beginning where it showed Mal with the I-Pad on the table. You can hear her laugh and sigh happily and swipes on the device in front of her)

"We're back at that room again." Mal sighs, "God only knows where I was at the time because I would personally like to know."

"And why you are narrating." Maleficent adds, "It still baffles me that you are. You never were one for reading or telling stories."

"Must be the future me then."

"That explains it." 

Mal- I must admit, for a first night at a new place in an unknown land that was new to big brother and I, it was magical. We all met some wonderful people and surely enough, it was the beginning of love for my big brother and King Danny, who by the time was still a prince. As much as I hate to say it, the blonde has indeed opened my brothers heart.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves." Layla said.

"It was an awesome party." Maria said, smiling. "It was a chance to see more to you five than just what people portray you to be."

"Either way, we are grateful you guys didn't judge us for who we are." Evie said.

"Our parents taught us to never judge a book by it's cover." Ben replied.

"And the fact that we should give guys a second chance, no matter who they are or who their parents are." Danny finishes.

(The door behind Mal opens and another figure enters the scene. They close the door behind them and stand by Mal)

Mal- Hey big brother, what's up?

"What?" I tilt my head, "Why am I there?"

"I honestly have no clue." Mom said, "Magic works in mysterious ways."

Ethan- Sorry to interrupt you Mal, but I've been told to get you. Evie wants you for your fitting and dear Ben wants to see you for something.

Mal- Any idea what that something is?

Ethan- He wouldn't tell me what he is planning.

Mal- Can't you tell them I'm in the middle of narrating?

Ethan- It's urgent you go. Remember the last time you tried to avoid Evie? She hog-tied you down and literally dragged you to get one of your dresses fitted.

"R-Remind me not to p*ss Evie off." Mal said.

"Well what do you expect of our resident daughter of the Evil Queen." I wonder aloud, "She's very good at getting her way at times. Sometimes I'm more scared of Evie then I am of you Mal."

"I'm not that bad..." Evie giggles.

"Says the woman who once hog-tied me down to get fitted for an outfit she was designing one time on the Isle?"

"One time big brother, one time." The blue haired girl pout.

"You could've asked though!"

"Do I need to come in between you two?" Mal asks, raising an eyebrow.

"N-No ma-am." Evie and I mutter.

Mal- (shudders) Crap. (Goes towards the door) I have to get moving then. Big brother, could you narrate a little in my place until I get back?

Ethan- Sure thing. (Looks at the I-Pad)  I remember this. What a good day that was.

Mal- It sure was. (Goes to Ethan and kisses him on the cheek) I'll be back in a few minutes. (Leaves the room and closes the door)

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now