Chapter Thirty Seven

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(NOTE- I apologise but I tried to look for a decent silhouette image that matches to this chapter but I can only find this. Plus, I know this chapter has been a while waiting but I needed to do this chapter for a reason. Thank you for reading and lets go!)

Upon returning to the theatre room, many people gasp as their eyes laid upon my grandmother and great uncle. 

"Mom!" Aunts Medusa, Hela, Circe, Draca and Jewelina, all gleam.

"Its good to see you all." Grandma Asteria smiles as she goes over and hugs each of her many kids.

Uncle Artio and Grim Reaper nod as they hug their mother. Uncle Monokuma cackles as he jumps up and down in joy.

I could hear many mutterings from many people, some spoke in shock, some in curiosity while many spoke in a tone of fear when they see Igor. The latter looks around the room and stare deeply at them with his wide eyes, never blinking. I slowly make my way back to my seat where my kids, Jewelpets, Parents, siblings and Danny, all rush to my side, making sure I was alright. I was literally sweating at this point and the pain in my stomach was very unbearable. The pain was increasing and increasing....until...

I felt my body suddenly dampen. 

My eyes widen as I felt wet.

"ARGH!" I screamed.

"Oh no." Catherine panics, "Its time."

"My little brothers giving birth!" Juliet freaks. They all rush to my side along with my two kids.

"It'll be alright." Aria assures me, "Hold my hand and just squeeze."

"Is this really happening right now?!" Chad said in disbelief, "That monster is actually giving birth?!"

"Someone quick! End that killers life!" Audrey and Stefan orders.

"Shut up!" Harley snarls. She raises her bat and slams it on their heads, knocking them out for the moment.

"What do we do!" Adam freaks, "There's no towels, no medical equipment, no clothes..."

"It'll be fine." Thomas said, "Unlike natural birth, this birth is different."

"How so?" Belle asks. She looks at me in concern and worry. Mom holds my other hand, plants a kiss on my forehead and smiles.

"I'm here sweetie." She said, "You don't have to worry. I'm here and I'm not letting go."

" hurts." I said. Tears roll down my eyes.

"I know Ethan. Just squeeze my hand and give a small push."

"You can do it Ethy." Danny smiles at me, "You got this."

"I-I'm scared." I whimper.

"You are not alone Ethan." Maria comes up to me and wraps her arms around me, "We're all here for you. We're not abandoning you."


"Promise." She gestures to the Wonderland crew who stands close to me, all smiling and looking at me with a look that spoke hope, assurance and trust. "You even have Wonderland by your side."

"We will not leave you, your highness." Timmy Doormouse states.

"You got this!" The other Wonderland kids cheer along with their parents.

At this point, the whole theatre room was in a state of so many emotions. Most were happy ones except the odd couple of panic and anger. For some strange reason, Aphrodite was looking at me weirdly and I don't know why. She had that glint in her eyes that spelled danger and not happy in the slightest. But with the tears swelling up my eyes, it could've been an illusion. All I wanted right now is these kids out of me and hopefully to never trigger my Self-Reproduction Magic again. I'm definitely going to ask my mother to bind that power so I never have to do that. Lord only knows how the hell I produced nine kids and is still alive today because my word the pain is unbearable.

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