Chapter Thirty One

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(NOTE- ⚠Warning ⚠ There will be some saucy/ sexual references, jokes, come backs etc for added humour purposes. I do hope you all understand)

(Back to Ethan's POV)

After calming my mother down and introducing her to more of my life by a book that was full of my memories, I went to work on designing Catherine's and Juliet's outfits. Even though they are both daughters of the Queen of Hearts, they have very different tastes;

Catherine is more of a punk-style woman and is not one for dresses unless it is at the most importance. I decided to make her a black vest top, ripped blue jeans and black high heel boots with mini chains drooping down and having miniature skulls dangling off them. I also added a black choker with a black rose emblem in Onyx, punk-style earrings and a belt to go around her waist which has a mini bag that is meant to be strapped to her waist. The bag is full of inventions I made days ago which is your basic girl (and guy) needs; Make-up, a handmade smartphone, a compact mirror, gum, a mini book and a dagger for self defense purposes. The finale to the ensemble of the outfit is a black long sleeved tailcoat jacket with a hood.

Juliet is a girly girl and likes to wear clothing in the colours of Red, Burgundy, Black and Gold. For her, I made a dark red funnel neck rib-nit bodycon style dress with dark red high heel boots. I have also designed a black leather punk jacket with outlines of roses in full bloom with long stems with thorns. The material I used for the outlines I decided to use pure golden thread which I made some time ago while I was at Auradon Prep. For the accessories I decide to craft dark red heart crystal earrings and a silver chain necklace with a big locket in the centre in the shape of a rose in full bloom. The locket is retractable which contains a photograph inside- One of a picture I managed to save since childhood; A family like picture of herself, Catherine, Rafael and I as kids. Like Catherine, I crafted a handbag for Juliet with similar items inside with added extra items- A faceless handcrafted doll with mini needles. Its a magic doll that allows the user to inflict pain on their enemies with the doll by stabbing the item. Unlike most dolls, the user only has to use their brain and imagine the person they hate before they stab the doll. I also included nail polish, headphones and her all time favourite lipsticks- Seductive Devil Red and Romantic Butterfly Dark Red.

Once everything were sorted, I took a minute to breath and hear variations of gasps and noise from a distance, specifically by the round table. Maria was having a ball looking through the scrapbook of my memories along with the VK'S, my cousins and their parents, the AK's and my family.

"Wow Ethan." Alistair spoke, "You were a pageant star?"

"More like forced to." I rolled my eyes, dreading of the thought, "Hearts wanted money and so she would doll me up to the extent where I became known for my so called beauty."

"I'm so glad I wasn't a part of that." Mal smirked, "And big brother, you do have beauty. You are literally one of the Seven Mystic Beauties of the Isle."

"Everyone wanted you." Edith chimed in, "And still do. To this day at the Lusty Rose its you the clients are always after."

"Clients?" Dad raised an eyebrow, "Dare I ask what you mean by that?"

"O-Oh, I-I-Its not like that sir, honest!" Damon stepped in, "Trust me, we would never allow your son to do risqué-like stuff or use his body in ways your thinking."

"W-We always make sure he would just dance on a pole and socialise with the clients!" Harmony freaked, "I assure you there's nothing more than that! Edith, Damon, Uriah and I all keep an extra watch to make sure our brother is safe!" 

"Risqué stuff?" I tilted my head, "What does that mean?"

"N-Nothing bro." Uriah sweat dropped, "You needn't worry about it."

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now