Chapter Forty Six

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(Like with Ben, Danny also has a scooter. He hands Ethan a helmet, both hop onto the vehicle and they go off to their date. As Danny takes the lead, Ethan looks around and admires the beauty of the surroundings around him, captivated by the nature. Danny takes a quick detour through the woods and stops to by a flight of stairs leading up to a hill. The blonde hops off, takes Ethan's hand and helps the young male get off the bike)

Like with how they enjoyed seeing Ben with his date, Beast and Belle smile as they see their oldest son enjoying himself with the guy he calls his true love, even though the boys relationship is no longer at this current moment in time.

They can't even glance at their own son without meeting angry bloodthirsty stares back from him and those surrounding the blonde, all wanting to kill the two.

Ethan- Where are we?

Danny- Now if I told you, it would ruin the surprise. (Ethan pouts making the blonde chuckle) Don't be like that. You'll love it, I promise.

Ethan- I'll love anywhere you take me. You know that. (Smiles)

"And that was true." I tell Danny, "I would've loved anything you planned out. Even a date at a  local fast food place would've been enough for me, or a simple walk in the park."

"But I was with you Ethy." Danny said, "You're worth more than just a simple casual outing. You deserved the best and only the best."

"That's sweet." I smile, "Though next time, should we be together by then, go for something simple yet elegant. I've been raised in a life of necessity, not a life full of glamor and with materialistic things."

"And that's going to change." Chloe said, "The moment we go to France, its nothing but the finer things for you."

"Mari, control your friend." I said. The raven-haired girl shrugs.

"She's stubborn." She said, "Its easier to just go along with it and enjoy the ride." Mari smiles innocently, "Though I will agree with Chloe on this one. You are going to live the life of glamour."

"Its best you give up." Kagami adds, "For you will not win."

"Et tu Kagami." I hold my hands to my heart, "The betrayal." I said dramatically.

The Parisians all laugh and chuckle at my antics.

Danny- True, but I want to give you a date you never forget. Oh, and I need you to close your eyes as we go up the stairs.

"I am so glad I made the outfit with sensible shoes." Evie said.             

"You made a terrific outfit sis." Melissa hugs her sister, "Very fashionable and works for the environment."

"Thanks Mel." Evie hugs back, "And I know I said this before, but I am glad to have you for a sister."

"And we will not be apart again." The daughter of Queen Narissa and Rumpelstiltskin smiles.

Grimhilde watches the two girls and her heart beats in bliss, happy for the two. If this was the reaction of the news, the woman should've told them a lot sooner. The two girls could've been more happy growing up.

Ethan- W-Why?

Danny- You'll see.

(Ethan follows Danny's instructions. The boy closes his eyes and holds onto Danny as they both walk up the stairs leading up the hill. The son of the Queen of Hearts holds onto Danny tight as he staggers a little, afraid to fall. The oldest son of Beast and Belle holds Ethan safely)

Don't worry Ethy. I will not let you fall. You're safe with me.

Ethan- I do trust you, It's just that I am scared of having this outfit ruined or damaged. You may not know this but Evie is very scary when she's mad, plus the fact that she can use magic is another thing.

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