Chapter Four

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After talking with my grandma, I go back to my siblings who appear to huddling up close to one another and away from the others in the room. I sigh, knowing full well the reason as to this much tension.

"Those girls are simply monsters!" I hear Queen Leah screech, "Look at what they did to poor Ally's face."

"My beautiful face..." Ally wails, looking at herself in her compact mirror, "Those rotten girls!"

"You deserved every bit of it." Maria snarls, "After what you said about my cousin and his fear, someone had to do something. Just be lucky it was them that did something."

"How dare you say that to Ally!" Audrey fumes, "Isn't she your kin? A Wonderlander?"

"From what we've seen and how she acts, she's no Wonderlander." Alistair said.

"She's never been a Wonderlander to us." Gordon simply said.

"She doesn't respect us or what Wonderlander's represent." Briala said. The others look at one another and nod.

"God your kind shouldn't be here." I hear Stephan whisper. I storm up to him, hold him by the throat and slam him to the wall.

The people stop and gasp as they watch the scene.

"Say that again I dare you!" I screech. "You racist motherf*cker!"

"What seems to be the problem?" Adam steps in.

"Oh nothing," I turn to him, "other than the fact I heard this old s*it for brains," I squeeze tightly on his throat, "Say that 'our kind', Wonderlander's, shouldn't be here!"

"Dad!" Aurora slaps him across the face and I let him go. "How could you say such a thing?! It's because of the people from Wonderland, Auradon is staying strong! They are the forces in which our lands thrive on!"

"They are nothing but freaks daughter!" Leah steps in and holds Stephan in place, "I mean look at them!" She points to the Wonderland crew, Rafael and I, "Animal ears and tails, wacky personalities and their horrendous fashion! Let's not forget that they are magic users!"

"And you call a pink suit fashionable?" Maleficent scoffs, "How pathetic."

"Figured you would say that, I mean, look at you." Leah smirks, "You look like you just came out of the morgue."

"Excuse me?!" Mal comes storming in, "How dare you say anything about my mother, you w*ore!"

"I am a queen." The older woman walks up to her, "You shall respect your elders and your superiors."

"Enough Leah!" Belle chimes in, "Your behaviour as well as Stephan's and Audrey's has totally been out of order!" She said, "I heard everything and I assure you that as long as I am here, you will not attack them."

"And besides," I smirk and turn to Maleficent and Evil Queen, "It's about time I glamoured these lovely ladies up, don't you think mom?"

"I do yes." Mom stands next to me and we both extend our arms out. Both Maleficent and Evil Queen smirk as they stand next to one another, waiting for their time to shine. "Ready when you are son."

"Ready." We smirk as we begin to chant, emitting a beautiful green magic aura around us.

"Though their looks are limited and to ones perceptive, an awful mess, allow us to bestow on these maiden's the beauty of grace and a fabulous new dress!"

From our hands, multiple beams of light shoot out and circle both the villain women, trapping them in a mystic green magic cage as of sorts. The light gets stronger and stronger with each passing second, bathing both women in light and covering our view of them.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now