Chapter Thirty

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Part 3/3

(This will be from Catherine and Juliet's side of things with the members of the Beast Family. ⚠WARNING⚠- Might trigger some people)

As soon as the Beast family made there way inside the room, Catherine walks in with Juliet being the last person. The brunette woman makes no sound but gestures to the daughter of Jack the Ripper to stay by the door for lookout while she deals with the king, queen and their children.

The room itself looked like a normal lounge area with two couches facing one another, a table in between, a beautiful looking fireplace with a very expensive looking painting on the fireplace chimney. On the back wall there was shelves of books and on the left hand side was an entire bar with alcohol stocked up. In front of the counter were red cushion stools for patrons to sit down.

"I suggest you take a seat." Was all Catherine said, her tone ice cold. The Beasts nod hesitantly and take their seat on one couch with Catherine sitting on the other one.

"W-What's this all about-" Layla starts but Catherine raises her leg and slams it on the table, making the girl squeak.

"You know, since the day I was born on the Isle, I've always hated Auradon." The woman starts, "You all casted us away and abandoned us simply because of who we are. My siblings and I have done nothing to deserve the mistreatment over the years yet we suffer at your hand." Catherine turns to Adam, "All because of your fear and prejudice. You hate all the villains on the Isle because of the things they have done, but if you think about it based on evidence, you have us villains to thank for where you are now."

"T-That may be true, but-" Belle speaks but Juliet gives a sickly sweet smile to shut her up.

"Its rude to interrupt others when their speaking, your highness." She said, "Do act like your title and speak when you get the chance to."

"Thank you sis." Catherine gives the blonde a soft smile before turning back around, her smile turning into a snarl, "As I was saying. You heroes have been living large in Auradon, not caring about the people that make them who they are which in turn is causing thousands of lives to suffer and die. Another thing that p*sses me off tremendously about you guys specifically is that you are the biggest two faced, double standard ba*tards I have ever have the misfortune to lay eyes upon. You, as well as the royals out there, have caused my family a major upset and you have the gall to remain where, lying to our faces."

"Indeed." Juliet tilts her head in a doll-like manner, "To say that we don't like you is an understatement. We hate you guys to the bitterest of our hearts and the way that you string along my brother is utterly disgusting."

"B-But we haven't done anything to hurt him." Ben said, shaking by the stare of Juliet.

"Oh? But you did." Juliet giggles, "And to this day you still are."

"You know, you guys should really be thanking the gods themselves for us not attacking you all only because of our Ethan dating your son." Catherine said as she turns to Belle and then to Danny, "To think my little brother is dating someone like you is a major insult and he could do so much better."

"So much." Juliet adds. She waves her hand and magically conjures a tea pot and tea cups, "Anyone care for tea?" The others shake their heads, "Your loss." She begins pouring the tea and adding in six cubes of sugar, one spoon of honey and milk.

"My brother chose you of all people to fall in love with, such a pity." Catherine snarls, "There are plenty of guys and girls that love my brother, yet he chooses a liar and a deceitful prick."

"I have done nothing of the sort!" Danny stands up in outrage, "How dare you insinuate that I hurt Ethy! I love him to pieces and would never do anything to hurt him."

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now