Chapter Forty-Four

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(NOTE- Warning: More reveals, mentions of rape (but very minor) and dark themes. P.S- Long Chapter full of drama~

Never in my wildest dreams have I ever felt this powerful before. No, I'm not talking about power, I'm talking about confidence.

Normally I would be meek, scared and be all nervous when standing before people, especially those of royalty. But now, I feel like I'm on cloud nine. When I first met Beast and Belle, two people I considered my hero and Idol once, I was nervous and small like a mouse, but now I feel like I'm in complete and utter control. I look at the traitorous family in their eyes, showing nothing but authority. I was met with body language of one could compare to deer's caught in headlights. Same could be pretty much said about all the other royals of the Royal Court and the people of Auradon.

With each step I take, flowers and plants shoot up from the ground and go into full bloom. I take a small stop and crossed my arms.

"We have a lot more to discuss, Beast." I said.

"E-Ethan..." Belle spoke. I raised my hand to stop her.

"You are not to address me by my name." I turned to her, "You and your family, along with those of Auradon are to address me as your highness, as its custom one would refer towards someone of a royal calibre. My name or nicknames are reserved for my family and those I care about."

"E-Ethy...?" Danny's eyes widened and shook in place. I ignored him.

"Back to the matter at hand." Adam gulped, "We have a lot to go over. I think my father and mother would love to hear what you and your royal court have done behind during your time of reign." I said, "Lets start off with the school building itself and the land, shall we? Upon research of the school before it was created into a place of learning, I have learned something quite fascinating. I'm referring to the buildings historical background and its possession through the past four centuries. Ben told my siblings and I during the day that we arrived at the school grounds that for the past three centuries by your great-great grandfather."

"T-That's true." Adam said.

"But care to tell the rest here who the building used to belong to before your family took upon its possession and the lands surrounding it?" Dad caught on and grinned.

"I-I-It belonged to a group of Coven Witches who used the building as its shelter during one of Frances civil wars, which resulted in over ten thousand people dead."

"Exactly." I said, "And do you recall who was the leader of the Coven Witches that had possession of the deed of the very building?" I asked, "Allow me to give you the name; Samuel Dragonia, one of my late cousins who unfortunately got sentenced to one of the last witch burnings before Mom and Dad outlawed Witch trials after his death."

"Samuel was a good man, a good nephew and a good friend." Mom sighed, recollecting memories, "He was always knowledgeable in the arts of Botany and possessed incredible magic under his belt. He and his husband, Alec Dragonia, would help witches control their magic and did whatever they could to help the townspeople."

"He was in fact one of my groomsmen at our marriage renewal's before he got executed." Dad added. I nodded.

"Before his death." I continued, "He and his husband handed the deed over to your great-great grandfather as a token of gratitude from saving their people from one of the biggest potential witch burnings to happen. In exchange however, your relative, Alexander Beast, would pay the buildings tax, pay a certain percentage of the towns annual earnings each month to charities to help witches to get an education, and to upkeep the buildings as well as the lands rent." I conjured a book, "This book documents every payments he did. Upon his passing, the ownership of the building fell upon to your father Frederick Beast, and then fell upon your father, Michael Beast." I said.

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