Chapter Nine

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(Once all five teens are out to the other side, the door behind them closes and magically vanishes. Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos look at one another in confusion and shock.)

Mal- W-Where's the door?

Ethan- It vanishes once a person or people have arrived at their desired location. I'll create another one after we get the wand.

"Wait, you conjured a magic door portal leading to the wands location?" Blaze asks me, I nod. "Damn cousin, that's smart."

"And quite a feat." Hela adds, "I have lived for many years and know that conjuring a portal takes high amounts of magic. That is excellent kiddo to say you haven't practised in the magic arts." 

"T-Thank you." I replied with a smile.

Jay- Let's get moving.

(The five pick up the pace and head along the path to the museum. It took a matter of mere minutes but they managed to arrive at the location.)

Mal- Evie. Check the mirror.

Evie- Why, is my mascara smudged?

"Seriously?" Melissa raises an eyebrow at Evie, "Is that really the time to be thinking about something as trivial as that?"

"I-It's a habit." Evie said sheepishly.

"And besides Evie, I would've told you or fixed up your makeup if it was smudged." I said.

"Thanks big brother."

"Oh lord..." Maleficent facepalms, "Why am I not surprised you would teach them that?" She turns to Grimhilde who chuckles nervously.

"Bad habit." The woman replied.

Mal- Yeah. And hey, while your at it, why don't you see if you can find us the wand?

"I may be against them stealing the wand, but I applaud them wanting to get the job right." Cinderella said, causing her son to look at her in shock.


"I don't think your in any shape or form to retaliate young man." The blonde woman said, "Did you forget what my step-mother would have me do before I met your father?"

"Allow me to answer for you sister." Anastasia chimes in, "Your mother would go through hell of the many chores she is forced to issue. If she had done the job poorly, it mean't more work for her later on."

Evie- Sure. This way.

(Evie looks into her mirror and pointed to the right, leading the four to museum's entrance. The five arrive in front of the museum's doors. In the room, a man was sat behind a desk watching the monitors. He looks as if he is about to go to sleep.)

"What fine defence staff you have there." Sora scoffs, "I'd expect more of a high quality Auradon defence system."

"So was I." Merlin bemuse, "The museum is a place full of precious artefacts that are very powerful and full of knowledge that can easily be exploited if fallen into the wrong hands." 

(They look around the room, noticing some of the famous artefacts from many heroes stories; A glass slipper from Cinderella, the famous Rose from Beauty and the Beast, amour from one of the nights from Knights of the Round Table etc.)

"So pretty!" Dizzy gleams, looking at the glass slipper.

"So that's the rose you created?" Marcus asks his mother.

"It is dear." Aunt Circe replied, "A perfect symbol of beauty and elegance."

"At least they haven't put out the shield held by Perseus." Medusa grumbles, "God would that be sickening to see."

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