Chapter Forty

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"So what are we going to be seeing next?" Hadie asked.

"It better not be another scene involving that stupid monster," Chad grumbled, "He's always getting the spotlight." Cinderella smacked her son up the head and huffs in distaste at his words.

"Actually Chadwick, we are in fact going to be seeing another scene with Ethan." Grandma Blue Fairy smirked, "During his time at the Mad Hatter's Tea Party." 

"Oh boy." I sighed.

"What's wrong big brother?" Dizzy asked me in concern.

"Warning you all now, there is going to be a lot of apologizing."

"What were you apologizing for?" Chloe asked.

"Chloe, his surrogate mother is the Queen of Hearts." Marinette deadpanned, "And he's going to a class with the sons and daughters of the very parents that the former Red Royal terrorized and tortured."

"But that isn't Ethan's fault though!" Alix exclaimed, "He wasn't even born then."

"Thank you!" Maria stood up from her seat, "Someone who gets it!"

"Ethan," Marc turned to me, "You have nothing to feel guilty for. You couldn't have known what that vile woman was doing and you are not obligated to feel such a way for events that happened in the past."

"I know." I said, "But I couldn't help but feel extremely guilty. I mean, come on," I gestured to the Wonderland crew, "These people are some of the greatest and friendliest people I have ever met. They welcomed me into their lives and have done everything they can to make me feel safe. It just hurts me at times to know that what Hearts did to their families..." I turned to them, "They may have forgiven me, but there has to be some sort of way to repay them."

"And we told you that it is fine." Simon smiled, "We love and adore you to pieces."

"The only way of repayment if you so dare as to desire in paying is that you Ethan smile for us." Briala said, "You just be who you are and open up to us."

"We are by your side, your highness." Timmy bowed, "You are our friend and someone we look forward to working alongside."

"You guys..." I teared up, "Thank you."

"Come here." Aria pulled me into her embrace, "You are never alone mom. You have got people here that will support you and want you in their lives."

"I know Aria." I looked up at her, "But I feel like sometimes, I'm not worth it-"

"Yes, you are!" Thomas exclaimed, "You mean a lot to us!" My other son's nodding in agreement while my other daughter's frown sadly, sniffling.

"Hopefully this scene will convince you." Maria huffed and sat back down, "It has to."

The Emperor and Empress watch the scene from where they are sitting, both sad and distraught over what their son is saying.

"I don't care if I have to neglect my duties, I am going to be there for my son." Morgana said, "He needs to know that he is loved and to know that we want him to be a part of our lives."

"I'm writing it down." Oberon said as he grabbed his notebook and a pen, "A reminder to schedule for some family therapy and schedule some family days."

"Rafael, are you alright?" Dylan turned to the nymph who sniffling.

"I'm not." He whispered, "My little brother has endured so much and tortured to the point that he is questioning his life as well as his importance." He turned to his boyfriend, "My head is spiraling out of control with fears of Ethan. I fear that he will..."

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now