Chapter Twenty Seven

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(NOTE- Before you read the chapter I just thought to give you a little heads up on how this story will be structured from here on out to satisfy the curious minds. Since this is a movie showing, I decided to have the characters watch a a certain amount of clips (Number will vary as the story goes on) and then a break. This is for me to introduce more characters, introduce plotlines, add sudden plotlines etc. I thought this could be a fun mechanic and testing things out. Hope you all enjoy this chapter and look forward for upcoming chapters. Now that my little rant has been over with, on with the show!~)

(The scene changes to Evie's POV once again in the Chemistry classroom. It appears to be the end of class and the girl goes over to check her phone to look at the time- 2:50pm, ten minutes before the meeting time with Chad Charming by the sports field, under the bleachers)

(Evie smirks inwardly as everything was going according to plan/ She just needs to record the blonde asking her to do his homework for him. She was securing the magic mirror in her bag when she notices her compact mirror she was blessed with by her big brother and Maria who made it for her as a gift. She grabs it and a smirk appears on her face)

Evie- *What a fantastic idea. I'll use this compact mirror and sell it off to Chad as my 'magic mirror'. That way if he does snitch on me and try to get me into trouble, I'll not only prove my innocence but also humiliate him at the process. All I need to do is tell Layla and Ashley this little bonus to the plan.*

Grimhilde grins in utter glee at her daughters master plan as it reminded her of the days when she once ruled the kingdom of Pendilor before Snow White and her husband took over. The plan was ingenious, deceitful and had that menage tois of manipulation. Grimhilde felt her heart soar with pride. Both Mal and Maleficent couldn't help themselves but give a wolf-like whistle as they hear Evie's plan and couldn't be anymore impressed.

"Wow Evie." Mal gives the blue haired girl a smile, "I'm very proud of you. My sisters indeed growing up."

"We are indeed proud of you." I grab a napkin and shed a tear of joy, "My little sisters growing up."

"You guys are making me blush." Evie smiles, cheeks tinting pink, "You both taught me the ways of manipulation of strategic thinking."

"First Carlos is growing up and now Evie." Jay shakes his head, "You guys are growing up before my very eyes."

"You all are." I add, "And I couldn't be any more proud. You four are indeed shining like diamonds."

"Big brother..." Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos turn to me and we all went into a group hug.

"You do realise that no matter what, we will always by your side big brother." Carlos grins, "Geeze big brother, you are crying again."

"Well excuse me for having emotions and a heart." I retort in a sassy-like manner before laughing. The others around us laugh whole heartedly at the sentiment.

"Someone's being sassy today."

"Carlos, you of all people cannot say that." Jay gives the young boy a raised eyebrow, "You are the sassiest person in this entire room. Hell, you're like a male version of Audrey..."

"Bitch I resent that." Carlos pouts, "Never compare me to Audrey. She can't get on my level."

"Excuse me?!" Audrey screeches, "What did you say about me?"

"You do have ears, do you not?" Carlos replies back, "Let me clarify so that even you can understand." He makes a gesture of a scale with his hands, "You're here." He said with his left hand on the bottom of the scale, "While I'm up here, sitting on my throne."

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now