Chapter Twenty Five

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(Ethan, the cheerleaders and Danny walk down the halls where the Lockers are located. Danny is close to the young boy with Maria and the girls around them, all discussing random things and having a good time. They all meet up with Mal and Evie by the lockers just up ahead. Ethan chuckles as he see's Mal's locker with her variation of 'Long Live Evil' spray painted on her Locker door)

Ethan- Hey girls. (Both Mal and Evie turn around)

Evie- Hey big brother. How was Tourney Tryouts?

Ethan- It was surprisingly fun to watch. Jay and Carlos made the team and I got to see Layla and the girl crew perform such a fantastic cheerleading routine.

"It was definitely fun to watch." Alistair said.

"Definitely something better than what Audrey would've come up with." Maria said, "Most of the time its just the usual side step, clap with our pom-poms, wave them in the air and spell things out."

Mal- Never understood cheerleading. All that preppiness and 'positivity'. No thanks. (Fake gags)

"You should try out and see what its like for yourself." Uma chuckles devilishly.

"I'd rather be a mannequin for Evie and suffer hours upon hours of her fashion designing than to ever be a cheerleader." Mal drones. She could see the sudden twinkle in her best friends eyes. Mal paled.

"You will?!" Evie pulls Mal into a bone crushing hug, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Oh, what fresh hell did I just open? " Mal groans.

Andrea- I understand where your coming from. But its so much more than that.

Mal- What? Prance about in short skirts?

"It teaches us a lot of things." Layla spoke, "It teaches one about confidence, self reflection, teamwork, trust, endurance, agility, strength, expanding your mindset and so much more."

"To the untrained eye it may look like girls who prance about and look pretty to attract people, but its a group to support people and boost their confidence." Ashley adds with pride, "We stride our all into helping people, develop bonds and to gain skills we never thought we would receive."

Tati- (Laughs) Oh honey, you need to lighten up.

Maria- (Fake pouts) How will your dear Ben take it when he hears you don't have school spirit?

"Yeah Mal." Ben fake gasps and places a hand to his heart in mock hurt, "I'm utterly shocked to hear you don't have school spirit."

Mal rolls her eyes in amusement and playfully punches the princes arm.

"I guess I'm just one of those rare girls who has no soul."

Mal- (Stammers) I--I-I d-d-don't l-l-like him like that.

Danny- Sure you don't~ 

(Mal hisses and glares at the blonde. Her cheeks red)

Maleficent chuckles as she see's her daughter on the screen acting in such a manner. It was refreshing to see her little girl express such feelings that are denied and forbidden on the Isle.

Ethan- (Chuckles and turns to Danny) You have a death wish or something?

Evie- I so knew it! Mal and Ben are so perfect for one another! (Mouth gets covered by Mal who places a hand over the latters mouth)

Mal- Evie!

"Well Evie's not wrong." Cynthia said, "You and Ben are meant to be, like Romeo and Juliet."

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