Chapter Seventeen

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(Ally stands in Ethan's, his siblings and friends way, eyes glaring and sneering right at the son of the Queen of Hearts. Mal and Evie stands by Ethan's side, protecting the boy with the two boys coming in close to Ethan's other side, both ready to strike at any moment. Danny pulls Ethan close to him, tensing up as his eyes met the blonde girls. Layla, Ashley and Peter stand by Maria who looks like she is going to snap at any moment. Ethan moves his head slightly to the shattered pieces of the vase on the floor, shaking in place)

Maria-  (Seething with rage) Just what is your problem?

Ally- What's my problem? What's my problem?!  Do you not realise just who the hell is with you?! That thing shouldn't be here! (Points directly at Ethan, causing the boy to flinch) His mother is a mass murderer and you all allow him to come near you all? Allow him to walk freely in these halls which are sacred to Auradon kids? Just how sick can you all be?!

"Somebody better hold me in my seat." Bella growls, "Because I seriously want to stab a bitch."

"Your not the only one." Tristan said, sharpening his blade. Lonnie sweat drops and shivers a little by the boys sudden change in his voice.

I turn to my parents and both grit their teeth in anger. I can tell my mom was doing her best not to lash out but is releasing a dark sinister aura, radiating powerful magic. I look at dad and he too was the same in aura and releasing powerful amounts of magical energy. Both adults aura's are so strong that the floor underneath us all shakes and the walls crumbling slightly. 

Evie- Now hold up wanna be blonde ambitious! My big brother has nothing to do with Hearts' role in history nor should he be blamed for anything that woman did!

"He is a child for goodness sake!" Mom screams out. "My son wasn't even born during that time and how dare you insinuate that he is to blame."

"You know what?" Rafael grabs a glass bottle and throws it towards Ally. The bottle hits the girl straight on in the head and shatters, releasing its content all over her dress!

"What the hell?!" Audrey fumes.

"What was that for b*stard!" Andrew questions.

"M-My dress!" Ally screeches. "You monster!"

"Karma's a bitch, isn't it?" Rafael snarls, "How do you like it, you trollop?" He glares down at the blonde, "How does it feel to have something thrown at you? You stupid c*nt!"

I couldn't help but smile at Rafael while many others begin to laugh and cheer for the guy. Even though what he did was wrong, he did it for me. My big brother was sticking up for me.

"Now, now, lets all calm down." Mom pulls Rafael down on his seat before smiling and leaning close. "Well done Rafael. Wouldn't have done it any better."

"Thanks M-Morgana."

"Please Rafael, call me mom."


"Well done, my boy." Oberon grins. "Well done indeed." Dylan smirks and pulls my brother close to him before planting a deep kiss on the male.

'Thank you big brother.' I thought happily.

"Your brother is so cool." I hear Danny say. I turn to him and smile.

"He is the best!"

Mal- He shouldn't get sh*t for anything, you trollop! So I suggest you say your sorry and get out of here.

Ally- Am I talking to you? I believe I wasn't, so zip it. Your nothing but villain's yourselves.

"She did not just go there!" Dizzy fumes.

Revealing the Rot in our Hearts- A 'Watching the Descendant's Movie' ParodyWhere stories live. Discover now