Chapter Eleven

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(The scene starts with a clock on the wall, ticking away until twenty minutes have gone by. The scene changes to Mal pacing up and down the room, ranting and glaring at Jay who was sitting on the edge of his bed. Carlos sits by the television while Evie and Ethan sat on the edge of Carlos' bed)

Mal- We were so close, so close! We would've been away from this goddamn place and on our way home with the freaking wand if Jay hadn't... ugh!

"Wow Mal," Ben chuckles, "You sure look angry."

"And so she should." I said, "We were so close to getting the wand after all. If Jay hadn't done what he did, we would've succeeded."

"Though in a way, I am glad he did that." Evie chuckles, "We would've been absolutely miserable."

"You can say that again." I said, looking at Danny, "And I wouldn't have had a shot at something I never had before."

"And pray tell what would that be?" Danny grins.

"You know what I am talking about." I smile.

"Ugh." Andrew and Chad grunt in disgust.

"Go jump off a cliff Charming." Dizzy said, shocking Mal, Evie and myself. "No one want to hear your wretched opinions."

"Wow..." Mal said, impressed.

"You go girl." Evie high fives the young Tremaine.

"I learned from the best." Dizzy said sassily, looking at Evie and I.

Ethan- Mal, calm down. Being angry and upset is not going to resolve everything.

Mal- But we had the perfect chance big brother! And we were so close in getting the wand! It was just inches away from our grasp!

Ethan- I know Mal, but blaming Jay isn't going to help things along. How was he supposed to know there would be a siren on top of the magical barrier?

"We really should've thought the possibility of a siren." Carlos said, "I had a small feeling that things were going too easy."

"We were short for time." Mal said, "Plus as leader, it was my responsibility to see everything. I've failed big time."

"You wanted to impress your parents." Maria said, "Pretty understandable really."

"Doesn't excuse my sloppiness."

"Mal..." Ben pulls her close to him and smiles softly, patting her head a little.

Mal- I-I...uh...well... (turns to Jay, giving him a small hug) I'm sorry.

Jay- (Smiles and hugs back) It's alright Mal, no harm done.

Mal- But I shouldn't let my stubbornness lash out on you like that.

Jay- I feel ya. I would be p*ssed to if I was in your shoes.

"Aww!" Some of the teens coo.

"They are like siblings." Esme observes.

"Us five are family." Evie said, referring to herself, Mal, Jay, Carlos and I, "We're really close."

Evie- Ahh... Brother and sister-like bond at it's finest.

Ethan- When it comes to us five, we are siblings.

Carlos-  We might as well be siblings considering the bickering, complaining, arguing...

"Thank god that's all we are." I said, "Because things would certainly become weird if we were still on the Isle and still attended Dragon Hall."

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