Missing Hours

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(With Finn)



Finn:(Looks over)Sam

Sam:(Looks at Finn)Oh hey Finn

Finn:(Walks over to Sam)Long time no see


Finn:(Looks at Sam)You ok you don't look to good

Sam:I'm fine

Finn:What happened to your jaw

Sam:(Softly touches his face)It was an accident

Finn:(Looks at his cart)Random day


Finn:Your cart...a duffle bag,new clothes,boots,bandages,bleach,hat,screwdriver and a hunting knife..it's kinda random stuff

Sam:(Looks at his cart)I need to go

Finn:You sure you're ok

Sam:I'm fine look I need to go

Finn:Alright just call if you need anything ok

Sam:(Pushes his cart and leaves)

Finn:Weird(keeps shopping)

(With Brittany)

Brittany:(On the phone)

(Brittany's phone call)

Brittany:Did you get the tickets

Heather:Yes Britt we got the tickets

Brittany:Good I'm so excited did you let everyone else know

Heather:Yup we called everyone and we're all gonna meet at the airport Friday and we should be there Saturday morning

Brittany:You guys will be in first class and when you get here you'll be staying at the best hotel in California

Heather:How do you know it's the best

Brittany:Santana owns it so I know

Heather:(Laughs)Ok I'll take your word

Brittany:(Laughs)Daddy's coming right


Brittany:Is he still upset

Heather:Yeah kind of but if Santana is as amazing as you say she is I'm sure he'll warm up to the idea of you re-marrying

Brittany:(Sighs)I hope so

Heather:Perk up

Brittany:Ok so just to make sure...Mercedes,Kurt,Blaine,Mike,Tina and Artie are coming

Heather:Yeah and you're sure that's everyone you want to come

Brittany:Yeah I only want really close friends to come plus there's people out here who are coming so...

Heather:Alright well everything's set I can't wait to see you

Brittany:I can't wait to see you either mom and I can't wait for you to meet Santana

Heather:Well I'll see you Friday

Brittany:See you Friday


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