It's Noah Now

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Santana:(Walks inside)Baby I have a call in about an hour so I'm gonna shower quick

Brittany:(Walks in and sits her bags down)

Santana:(Runs upstairs)

Brittany:No running in the house


Ring ring ring

Brittany:(Grabs her phone and answers)

(Brittany's phone call)

Brittany:Hey Finn what's up

Finn:Hey I tried calling Santana but it went straight to voicemail

Brittany:I'm sure it's almost dead so she's probably charging it upstairs

Finn:Oh well I just wanted to tell her thanks for the food and stuff

Brittany:I'll let her know


Brittany:By the way what'd you guys talk about

Finn:Um I thought that what ever was said in this little bonding time could stay private

Brittany:Oh it can but I just wanted to know you know reason at all

Finn:Well it was nothing much just you and Sam and the wedding

Brittany:You talked about Sam why

Finn:He just came up

Brittany:Mhm...have you spoken to him


Brittany:I'm really worried

Finn:Britt Sam's a big boy I'm sure he's fine

Brittany:Or maybe he's not

Finn:Maybe this is his moving on process

Brittany:You're probably right

Finn:Yeah don't worry

Brittany:Thanks Finn

Finn:No problem bye Britt


(End of phone call)

Santana:(Walks downstairs)

Brittany:Finn said thanks for the food and stuff

Santana:Why didn't he call me

Brittany:He did

Santana:I'm sure my phones dead it's in one of the bags

Brittany:Well you handle the bags while I go shower(quickly runs upstairs)

Santana:You sneaky little- no running in the house!


Santana:(Grabs the bags)

(The next day at the office)

Brittany:(Looking through paperwork)Baby how did you manage to place all these meetings so close together

Santana:(Typing)I don't know

Brittany:Well because of how many there are all I can do is space them out by 25 minutes so after everyone there's another 25 minutes later

Santana:It's better then not having time at all

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