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Santana:(Walks into the building)

Judy:(Smiles and hugs her)

Santana:(Looks at her)

Judy:(Pulls away)Sorry(fixes her suit)But um congratulations(goes back to her desk)

Santana:(Walks to the elevator)Good job Brittany

(In the office)

Brittany:(Printing papers)

Santana:(Walks up behind her and hugs her)Hey

Brittany:(Jumps a little then smiles)Hey

Santana:I see people heard the news


Santana:(Kisses Brittany's neck)

Brittany:(Turns to face Santana)So-What the hell happened to your cheek

Santana:(Pulls away)Sometimes business can get a bit physical

Brittany:What happened

Santana:Like I said things got physical on a business deal

Brittany:Do you want some ice babe it looks like it's swelling

Santana:It's fine really

Brittany:Ok whatever you say

Santana:So what are you printing

Brittany:The graphs for the business these past few months

Santana:How do they look

Brittany:Pretty great



Santana:Hey Brittany I was thinking


Santana:(Takes Brittany's hand and walks her over to the couch)

Brittany:(Sits next to Santana)

Santana:I was thinking maybe we get married sometime this summer

Brittany:That's like 4 months away

Santana:I know it's fast but I love you and you love me so the sooner the better

Brittany:(Surprised)What about my parents I always wanted them to be at my wedding and my close friends back home

Santana:I'll fly them out first class

Brittany:You're not doing this because of the whole Sam thing are you

Santana:No...I mean I'm not happy about it everyone makes mistakes and some of them are big but that doesn't change the way I feel about you


Santana:(Clears her throat)Brittany I'm not the type of person who talks a lot about their feelings like I said I spent most of my time with my grandma who was tough and I was basically raised off insults in fact most my life I thought my name was garbage face during high school I was a total bitch and I shielded myself from everything and everyone which is why I became so aggressive in work but then I hired you and I was immediately attracted to(holds back tears)To your everything from the way you sat there shyly and so quiet to the way you're eyes always seemed to twinkle...I knew that you would bring out the best in me which is why I needed to have you and now I can...

Brittany:(Wipes the tear running down Santana's you cheek) can

Santana:(Pulls Brittany close)

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