Scoop You Up

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A/N:I'm updating early because I'm not ready to update Famous Love right now so this an apology for people who were eager for that update I will update Famous Love when I'm done with it

(10:00pm Brittany's POV)

{When I got to the house I noticed that Santana's car wasn't there but when I walked in I saw a bouquet of roses and a note that read "Britt I hope this makes up for the late night I promise it won't always be like this but when it is I'll make sure I make up for it...I'll be home as soon as I can-Santana" I smiled at the note but that soon faded when I realized what I had just done I'm so fucking stupid how could I do that I love Santana she's everything I know I had a life before her but now I can't picture life without her I shouldn't have listened to Finn I should've just come straight home but I didn't and now I'm here...after an hour of sitting and crying I took a shower and slipped on one of my shirts and sweatpants I also packed up all my stuff and sat the bags by the door downstairs...after I packed the last bag I walked downstairs and just as I got down I heard keys in the door}

Santana:(Opens the door)


Santana:(Sees Brittany)Brittany I told you-(sees the bags)What's going on


Santana:(Drops her bags grabs a suitcase and opens it)


Santana:Are you leaving me



Brittany:I'm sorry

Santana:(Grabs her suitcases and brings them upstairs)

Brittany:Santana(follows her)

Santana:(Starts to unpack her stuff)

Brittany:What are you doing

Santana:I'm not letting you leave me...


Santana:I won't go to anymore late meetings ok I won't schedule anymore of them...just don't go(looks at Brittany)

Brittany:(Hugs Santana)This is not your fault you have been nothing other than perfect

Santana:(Holds Brittany)

Brittany:Santana just trust me you don't want me here

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)I need you bring out the smile that's been hidden for so long you make me everything that's happened to me doesn't matter I need you...Brittany I'm incapable of leaving you alone

Brittany:Santana...I kissed Sam

Santana:(Pulls away)You...kissed him


Santana:Why were you even around him after I told you not to be

Brittany:I just thought if we talked he would be able to see that I'm happy and he would relax

Santana:(Runs her fingers through her hair)And did he


Santana:I can't believe this

Brittany:I'm sorry

Santana:You know what I'm not even shocked...he was your's clear he still has that control over you

Brittany:He doesn't I just...he does but I'm so sorry Santana I do love you

Santana:(Sighs)I was gonna do this the night of the party but it's clear I need to do it now


Santana:(Reaches in a drawer and pulls out a box)


Santana:(Turns to Brittany)My mother gave this to me and said save it for someone you love...someone you wanna spend your life with so...


Santana:(Bends down on one knee and puts the ring on Brittany's finger)I love you and I know that it's weird for me to do this even after you told me you kissed Sam but it tells me that I need to scoop you up even faster...I've always been a forgiving person...this may be harder to forget but I'm gonna try because you Brittany Pierce are belong to me

Brittany:(Tears up)

Santana:So Brittany...will you marry me

Brittany:Santana I'm still married to Sam

Santana:Not for long

Brittany:(Smiles)Yes I'll marry you

Santana:(Stands up)Promise me you will cut off all contact with Sam that means you won't talk to him call hime visit him E-mail him nothing

Brittany:I promise...I'm so sorry

Santana:(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:And if you do...I might not be as forgiving


Santana:Don't ever try to leave me again

Brittany:I won't I promise

Santana:Now help me get your bags


A/N:I know it might be weird that right after Brittany admitted to kissing Sam Santana proposed but it will be explained why next chapter

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