Behind The Door pt2

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(Brittany's POV)

{I walked into the room and I was amazed by everything I saw in the middle of the room there was a bed with fresh sheets on it...there was also a closet that was locked...I guess I shouldn't say a closet it was more of a wardrobe I continued to look around and saw these laced ropes hanging from the ceiling and hooked onto the ropes were handcuffs...the floor was covered with black carpet and the walls were painted red I could feel Santana watching me as I examined the room}

Brittany:(Slowly walks into the room)


Brittany:(Looks around)

Santana:(Watches her)What are you thinking

Brittany:I don't know...I'm just surprised

Santana:I know you're wondering about what's in the wardrobe

Brittany:(Keeps looking around)Yeah

Santana:(Walks over to the wardrobe and unlocks it)

Brittany:(Walks over and looks inside the wardrobe)Wow

(Brittany's POV)

{When I looked inside of the wardrobe I saw different types of handcuffs they were different colors and fabrics I also saw these whips each one matched a color of the handcuffs there were also blindfolds and ropes just like the whips they matched a color of the handcuffs after looking for awhile I turned to Santana}

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)So why do you have this room

Santana:Everyone has their secret pleasures mine is dominance...being in charge is something I can't live without

Brittany:Why didn't you tell me about this

Santana:Not everyone finds my taste...appropriate

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)

Santana:What are you thinking

Brittany:I've never tried anything like this before


Brittany:(Looks at Santana)I'd like to

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Brittany you don't have to do this just because I'm into it

Brittany:(Unbuttons her shirt and lets it fall to the ground)

Santana:(Watches her)

Brittany:(Walks up to Santana)

Santana:(Pulls Brittany close)

Brittany:I know(kisses Santana)

Santana:(Kisses back)

(Brittany's POV)

{To be honest I was a little nervous I had never been tied up before in past relationships it was simply the normal "let's hop into bed and get going" but after Santana and I had our first time together I've felt this new spark and a new idea of what sex really was...Santana and I started out by kissing then kissing got pretty heated she slowly stripped me out of my panties and started to tie me to the bed}

Brittany:(Lays down)

Santana:(Straddles Brittany and handcuffs Brittany's right wrist)How's that

Brittany:It's fine

Santana:(Handcuffs her left wrist)And that

Brittany:(Wiggles)It's good

Santana:You sure you wanna do this

Brittany:Why do you keep asking me that

Santana:Because once I start I'm not stopping until the very end

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)I'm sure

Santana:(Grins and puts a blindfold over Brittany's eyes)

Brittany:(Takes a deep breath)

Santana:(Whispers in Brittany's ear)Relax

Brittany:(Releases her body)

Santana:(Kisses Brittany's neck)

(Brittany's POV)

{When Santana kissed me all I wanted to do was run my hand through her brown locks but I was a little tied up so all I could do was bite my lip...she started to make her way down to my chest and then to my stomach the farther down she got the louder I moaned I had never moaned like I was moaning something about being tied up and unable to touch the person who was driving your body insane just excited me...She started to kiss my clit and just when my moans got louder she stopped}

Santana:(Gets up and grabs a whip)


Santana:(Walks over to Brittany)I know you're nervous

Brittany:(Listens to Santana)

Santana:(Softly traces the whip over Brittany's body)But trust me it's worth it


Brittany:(Cums for a third time and arches her back)Mmmm!!

Santana:(Kisses Brittany and slides her fingers out of her)

Brittany:(Catches her breath)

Santana:(Kisses Brittany's neck)


Santana:(Uncuffs Brittany's wrist)

Brittany:(Takes off the blindfold slowly sits up and looks at the red marks on her wrist)

Santana:(Watches Brittany)

Brittany:(Looks at the red whip marks on her stomach)

Santana:They'll heal don't worry

Brittany:They just sting a little

Santana:I have something for it come on

Brittany:(Tries to get up)San

Santana:(Puts on her clothes)What is it

Brittany:My um my legs are kind of wobbly

Santana:(Grins walks over to Brittany and wraps her in a blanket)That's expected


Santana:(Lifts Brittany and carries her to the bedroom)

(In the bedroom)

Santana:(Lays Brittany on the bed)


Santana:(Goes to her drawer and pulls out a jar)

Brittany:What is it

Santana:(Sits next to Brittany on the bed)Just relax


Santana:(Takes some of the gel and rubs it across Brittany's stomach)


Santana:Sorry I should have warned you it stings

Brittany:What will it do

Santana:It'll numb the pain


Santana:(Closes the jar)You stay here I'm gonna go and straighten up the room

Brittany:I can't walk my legs are still wobbly so I don't think I have a choice

Santana:(Chuckles and walks out of the room)

Brittany:(Slowly falls asleep)

A/N:Hope it doesn't suck

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