I Do Love Her

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Santana:(Walks in)I bought Chinese food

Brittany:(Smiles)Please tell me you got sweet and sour chicken

Santana:(Sits a bag on her desk)Yeah

Brittany:(Walks over and pecks Santana's lips)Good I'm starving

Santana:(Pulls out a container and hands it to Brittany)

Brittany:(Takes the container and sits at a chair in front of Santana's desk)

Santana:(Does the same)


Santana:(Eats)So how's it going

Brittany:Well out of all 900 contacts I've sent out 500 invites

Santana:You're pretty fast

Brittany:Not fast enough

Santana:I'm sure you'll get it done soon


Santana:(Gets a call)Umm just a sec(answers her phone and walks outside)

Brittany:(Continues eating)

Santana:(Walks back in)

Brittany:What was that about


Brittany:Why'd you have to leave the room

Santana:It was private

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)

Santana:(Eats)Are you gonna keep looking at me

Brittany:Are you gonna tell me what the call was about

Santana:It's private

Brittany:(Takes her food and goes to her desk)

Santana:(Stands up and goes to her desk)

(Later at Santana's house)

Brittany:(Walks in)

Santana:(Walks in behind her)

Brittany:I'm gonna take a shower


Brittany:(Walks upstairs)

(Brittany's POV)

{I wasn't too upset about Santana not telling me about the call I'm sure she has a good reason the only thing that was on my mind was what Rachel said about me loving Santana I do love her...at least I think I do she makes me feel special when she kisses me I feel this amazing spark that runs through my body when she touches me my body heats up right away and I feel safe and her eyes...her eyes are like two big chocolate kisses that send me into a daze whenever I look into them...I do love her Rachel has no idea what she's talking about}

Brittany:(In the shower feels someone kiss her shoulder and jumps)Holy shit Santana

Santana:(Grins)I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you

Brittany:Well you did

Santana:(Softly kisses Brittany's neck)I'm sorry

Brittany:(Turns her head to the side)Mmm

Santana:(Kisses her neck again)Do you forgive me

Brittany:(Turns to Santana and wraps her arms around her neck)

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)


Santana:Your so beautiful


Santana:(Scans Brittany's face)

Brittany:Kiss me

Santana:My pleasure(kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Kisses deeper)


Brittany:(Laying on Santana's chest asleep)

Santana:(Holding Brittany asleep)

Brittany:(Hears her phone and wakes up)


Brittany:(Slowly gets out of bed walks to the balcony and answers the phone)

(Brittany's phone call)





Brittany:Why aren't you calling from your phone

Sam:Well I lost it at the airport

Brittany:Oh well what do you want

Sam:I was hoping that since you're at the house you ca-

Brittany:(Cuts him off)I'm not at the house I haven't been there since we argued

Sam:Then where are you staying

Brittany:I don't have to tell you anything look I'm going back to bed

Sam:You're staying with her aren't you

Brittany:That's none of your business

Sam:Brittany please

Brittany:Goodnight Sam(hangs up)

(End of phone call)


Santana:(Sitting up in bed)What did he want

Brittany:(Jumps a little)You really need to stop doing that

Santana:What did he want

Brittany:He wanted me to do something for him(gets in bed)I told him no

Santana:I don't like how he changes your mood

Brittany:Let's not talk about him let's just go back to bed

Santana:Ok(pulls Brittany close and lays with her)I love you

Brittany:I love you too

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