Open & Shut

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(With Finn)

Finn:(Bangs on a door)Open the door!

No answer

Finn:(Bangs harder)I know you're in there you son of a bitch open the door!

Sam:(Opens the door)F-Finn what are you doing here

Finn:(Shoves past him)You know exactly why I'm here Sam you need to tell me the truth

Sam:(Closes the door)About what

Finn:Don't play stupid with me Sam

Sam:I don't know wh-



Finn:Are you fucking insane what would make you do something so fucking stupid!?!

Sam:(Pissed)That bitch took Brittany from me!


Sam:She did this to my jaw and she thought she could get away with it...I just wanted to scare her into canceling the wedding but she just wouldn't do it then she tried to make what she did right and I snapped

Finn:You're fucking crazy!

Sam:I love her!

Finn:No you're fucking jealous you only want Brittany because she's happy with someone who isn't you

Sam:Shut up!

Finn:No you need to hear this! Brittany is happier with Santana then she has ever been with you and honestly I don't blame her!

Sam:(Tackles Finn)

Finn:(Falls to the ground)

Sam:(Punches Finn in the jaw)

Finn:(Pushes Sam off)Sam stop!

Sam:(Rolls to the ground)

Finn:(Stands up)

Sam:(Quickly stands up)Finn just get outta here before you get hurt

Finn:Sam you are one of my best friends and I'm saying this because I need help

Sam:(Runs at Finn)

Finn:(Swings and punches Sam)

Sam:(Falls to the ground)

Finn:I'm sorry Sam


(Sirens get close)

Finn:(Walks outside)

(30 minutes later)

Walter:(Walks out with bags of items)Looks like he was cleaning off the knife and his shoes with bleach

Officer 1:There was also a fresh pair of clothes in a duffel bag and a pair of blood stained clothes in the garbage

Walter:Keep looking for more stuff and take Mr.Evan's to the station

Finn:(Getting looked at)

Walter:(Walks over)How are you doing

Finn:Well my friend's fiance is in the hospital because her ex also my best friend tried to kill her and my best friend is on his way to prison I don't think there's an emotion for that

Walter:Does he have any injuries

Officer 2:No Sir

Walter:It's pretty late why don't you head home I'm on my way back to the hospital so I'll inform your friends about everything and I'm sure you'll see them soon

Finn:Wait Santana's awake

Walter:Open and shut case everyone is fine and big business owner lives I can see the headlines now


Walter:Don't stop searching unless I say(gets in his car and leaves)

(With Brittany and Santana)

Brittany:(Moans)Santana I'm close!

Santana:(Pumps faster)

Brittany:(Bites down on Santana's shoulder)


Brittany:Oh god!

Santana:(Curls her fingers)

Brittany:(Bites harder and cums)Ugh!

Santana:(Slows her pace)

Brittany:(Holds onto Santana's arms)

Santana:(Slowly slides her fingers out of Brittany)


Santana:(Sucks her fingers)You always taste amazing

Brittany:(Bites her lip)I can't believe that just a hospital


Brittany:(Climbs out of bed and puts on her panties)

Walter:(Walks in)Oh my god I'm so sorry(steps out)


Santana:I swear to fucking god did you never learn how to knock I could easily get your ass fired you idiot!

Walter:I'm so sorry

Santana:You should be!

Brittany:(Quickly puts her jeans on)San it was an accident

Santana:(Rolls her eyes)

Brittany:(Clears her throat)Um you can come in Walter

Santana:Or not

Brittany:(Glares at Santana)Stop

Walter:(Comes in)I am seriously sorry

Santana:Why are you here did you find Sam

Walter:A-actually we did thanks to the help of your friend Finn Hudson by the time we got there Sam was knocked out and Finn explained to us what happened we found the knife that was used to um you know and we found blood stained clothes so once the test come back all of our evidence will be enough to put him away

Brittany:Thank you so much we really appreciate this I'm just happy you were able to end it the minute it started

Walter:I'm happy we did as well

Santana:Where is Finn

Walter:I told him to go home and get some rest

Brittany:Is there anything else that needs to be done

Walter:As of right now no but I will contact you if so

Brittany:(Smiles)Thank you again

Walter:Have a good night Mrs and Mrs.Lopez(leaves)

Brittany:Baby I was thinking


Brittany:(Climbs in bed and lays next to Santana)What if we moved the wedding up to next week


Brittany:I mean everything is pretty much ready all we would have to do is inform everyone and speed up the food process it wouldn't be to difficult

Santana:Why the sudden change

Brittany:(Sighs and looks up at Santana)I honestly thought I was gonna lose you today...when they said you were ok everything flashed in my head and I saw my life before I met you and how it would be the same way if I lost you...miserable and I don't want that so the sooner I become Mrs.Lopez by law the safer and happier I'll be...not that some paper will change much but you know

Santana:I couldn't agree more Britt and even if I'm not with you physically I'll always be with you every other way

Brittany:(Wipes her eyes)I love you Santana Lopez

Santana:And I love you Brittany Pierce-Lopez


Santana:(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

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