Chapter Two ▫ Santana Lopez

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Brittany's POV

When I woke up today I wasn't expecting Sam to be laying next to me. He was there and I was surprised but happy.

I did everything how I normally did them. I showered, got dressed then went downstairs and had my coffee and toast. During breakfast I went online to try and find more information about Lopez Marketing and Management.


Sam:(Walks downstairs)Hey babe

Brittany:(Doesn't look up)Hi

Sam:(Walks over to Brittany and kisses her cheek)Whatcha doing?

Brittany:I've spent the last 2 hours looking for information on Lopez Marketing and Management

Sam:(Grabs a bowl and makes cereal)And how is that going?

Brittany:(Closes her laptop)Terrible I mean this place is pretty private anything about them is just nowhere to be found

Sam:Well it's a big business so I'm sure everything about them is pretty hush hush

Brittany:So what are your plans for today?

Sam:Probably go for a run come back and be lazy for the rest of the time(finishes his cereal and washes his bowl)What about you?

Brittany:Well I have to print and update my resume and that should take me an hour or two after that I should figure out directions and stuff

Sam:Ok well(kisses Brittany)I hope you get the job

Brittany:(Kisses back)Me too

Sam:I'm gonna get ready for my run(goes to change)

Brittany:(Updates her resume)


Brittany:(Finishes updating and printing her resume)Step one done

Sam:(Comes back from his run)Hey baby

Brittany:(Printing out directions)Hey

Sam:If you need me I'm in the shower(goes upstairs to shower)

Brittany:(Sits her resume and the directions in two piles)Step two done(calls Rachel)

Rachel:Hey what's up?

Brittany:I'm already getting prepared for the interview

Rachel:Britt it's only going on 12:00

Brittany:I know but Rachel I'm really nervous

Rachel:I know and-

Brittany:(Cuts her off)No you don't get it

Rachel:What do you mean?

Brittany:I was looking for information on Lopez Marketing and Management and I didn't find anything except a little paragraph on how hundreds of girls have been applying to be Santana's assistant but none have gotten hired

Rachel:What do you mean none?

Brittany:As in none zip zero out of hundreds of girls not one was picked so why do I have a chance?

Rachel:Because you're sweet, caring, strong, hot, and you never give up that's why you have a chance

Brittany:Thanks for the encouragement but I'm still scared out of my mind

Rachel:You're gonna do great

Brittany:I'll call you after


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