Small Step Towards Forgiveness

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Santana:(Working on her laptop)

Brittany:Ok so guest list


Brittany:My dress


Brittany:Your tux


Brittany:Bridesmaid dresses


Brittany:Best man tux





Santana:Alison will be here tomorrow

Brittany:Why her

Santana:Because she is an amazing cook and baker plus she has been begging me to let her help with the wedding

Brittany:You couldn't say no

Santana:(Glances at Brittany then back at her laptop)Why would I do that

Brittany:Just forget it bags

Santana:I was thinking we put diamond necklaces in the women's gift bags and put gold watches in the men's with business cards of all the places that catered for the wedding

Brittany:(Nods)Ok um food



Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Brittany:It's a work in progress

Santana:(Smiles and goes back to work)

Brittany:Santana focus

Santana:(Closes her laptop)Ok

Brittany:Rachel has all the music covered


Brittany:My dad offered to be the officiant

Santana:Does he have the right you know documents to do that

Brittany:What you don't trust my dad

Santana:Hey I never said that

Brittany:(Smiles)Well yes he has the right documents

Santana:Ok um flowers

Brittany:Right...well Quinn's a florist I'll call her ask if she'll do the flowers and invite her to the wedding

Santana:Wait just because you ask her to do our flowers doesn't mean she needs an invite to the wedding

Brittany:Why not(walks into the kitchen)


Brittany:(Picks up her phone)

Santana:(Snatches the phone)Brittany I said no

Brittany:Santana what the hell give me the phone!

Santana:I said she's not coming that's final! We can find some other florist!

Brittany:(Grabs her phone)I don't see why we can't just invite Quinn

Santana:(Runs her fingers through her hair)No you wouldn't see why would you

Brittany:What's that supposed to mean

Santana:Whatever the hell it sounds like!

Brittany:God Santana you're overreacting!

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