The Card pt2

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(At the mall)

Brittany:(Looking at dresses)Wow these are really expensive

Rachel:(Waiting)Yeah the cheapest dress is $10,000


Rachel:So this is for a party huh

Brittany:Yeah Santana won't tell me what it's for it's classified


Brittany:Would you wanna go


Brittany:Yeah and Finn

Rachel:Not after I treated you like I did

Brittany:I'll forget about it if you can

Rachel:(Smiles)I missed you

Brittany:I missed you too now wait here while I try on a dress then you can pick one


Brittany:(Grabs a dress and goes to try it on)

Rachel:(Looks at dresses)

Brittany:(Walks out in black backless dress that stops at her thighs)How does it look

Rachel:(Looks at Brittany)Amazing

Brittany:(Smiles and looks at the dress in the mirror)

Rachel:(Looks at Brittany and notices her wrist)Hey Britt


Rachel:What the hell happened to your wrist

Brittany:(Looks at her wrist and tries to cover them up)

Rachel:Oh my god did Santana do that to you

Brittany:(Quickly goes into the dressing room)

Rachel:Brittany if she's hurting you then tell me

Brittany:She's not hurting me

Rachel:Then how do you explain the rings around your wrist

Brittany:Just forget it ok

Rachel:I won't forget it

Brittany:(Walks out of the dressing room)Rachel please

Rachel:(Looks at Brittany and sighs)We can talk about it later

Brittany:Thank you now did you pick a dress

Rachel:Yeah it's $15,000.00

Brittany:And mine is $20,000.00 I really hope Santana is ok with this

Rachel:What or she'll hurt you

Brittany:(Looks at Rachel)Santana would never hurt me...ever

Rachel:Then tell me about your wrist

Brittany:Like you said we'll talk about it later(walks up to the cash register)

Cashier:Ok your total is $35,000.85

Brittany:(Pulls out the card)

Cashier:(Looks at the card and then at Brittany)You're not Santana Lopez

Brittany:I know she gave me her card

Cashier:And why would she give you her card to spend $35,000.00

Brittany:Well because I'm her...


Rachel:What is it

Brittany:(Looks at Rachel)I don't exactly know what to call me and Santana

Rachel:What the hell do you mean you left your husband for her and you live with her what is that


Cashier:Well let's call Miss Lopez and see what she calls you...i think a thief would come to mind(calls Santana)

Brittany:How do you have her number

Cashier:We have all numbers of famous people who do business with us...(on the phone)Yes Miss Lopez there's a problem with your card and I need you to come down...I know you're very busy but I think you'll be happy once the problem is solved...ok thank you(hangs up)

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair)This is bullshit

Rachel:Tell me about it

(20 minutes later)

Santana:(Walks in and sees Brittany and Rachel)Hey what's going on

Brittany:(Walks over to Santana)Baby your here

Santana:Yeah I thought maybe someone stole my card which then made me worry about you and Rachel

Cashier:Wait so you did give her your card

Santana:Yeah...wait is this why you called me

Cashier:I thought-

Santana:You thought...well maybe you shouldn't do that anymore

Cashier:I'm sorry

Santana:Tell that to the billion dollar company I had to cancel on

Cashier:(Looks down)

Santana:Well are you going to ring up their stuff

Cashier:It's on the house(Puts the dresses in boxes)

Santana:(Takes the boxes and walks away)


Santana:No problem

Rachel:(Stares at Santana)You were pretty you ever get upset with Brittany like that

Santana:What...I don't think Brittany can upset anyone plus I would never yell at her

Brittany:(Glares at Rachel)

Santana:(Confused)Well you guys want some lunch

Brittany:Shouldn't you get back

Santana:No I have time I mean it's my company

Brittany:(Laughs)Well then sure

Santana:What about you Rachel

Rachel:I'll go for Brittany

Santana:Umm ok let's go(leaves)

Brittany:(Shakes her head at Rachel and leaves)

Rachel:(Rolls her eyes and leaves)

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