Chapter Nine ▫ Take You Somewhere

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Brittany:Sam for the last time NO!

Sam:Brittany why not?

Brittany:Because I have work

Sam:Santana's cool she'll let you take a break

Brittany:I don't want a break

Sam:Why can't you just do this for me?

Brittany:Sam I have been there for you through everything and now you're upset that I won't go with you this one time?

Sam:Brittany what is this really about?

Brittany:(Sighs)What are you talking about?

Sam:Lately you've been acting different


Sam:You've been distant

Brittany:Don't do that

Sam:Do what?

Brittany:Don't you dare try and make me feel like I'm not spending enough time with you

Sam:Well I mean ever since you got the job you are always gone

Brittany:Look who's talking you're never here and I'm sorry Sam but I'm not gonna stay here and be a little housewife I actually wanna do something

Sam:That is not true

Brittany:Really(grabs her keys)I want you to think really hard about that(leaves)


Brittany's POV

I was so pissed.

I just couldn't believe he stood there and acted like I was the one never there.

I needed was some space so I got in my car and drove.

I had no idea where I was driving to so I just kept going.

I had never been so upset before. He tried to guilt me into going with him.

I just couldn't take it.

After awhile of driving I pulled up to the office.

When I got there it was like 8:00pm. I went inside to find that Judy had left so I made my way upstairs and I knocked on the door praying that Santana was there.

Santana:(Opens the door)Brittany what's wrong?

Brittany:(Kisses Santana)

Santana:(Surprised but kisses back)

Brittany:(Without breaking the kiss walks into the office and closes the door)


Santana:(Holding Brittany on the couch under a blanket)

Brittany:(Snuggled into Santana)

Santana:Brittany are you gonna tell me what happened


Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Did he hurt you

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)No he just he made me so mad he tried to guilt me into going with him

Santana:But you have nothing to be guilty about

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Really

Santana:(Grins)Ok scratch that




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