All For You

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A/N:Ok so I'm a little behind on the last chapter of Famous Love but I'll post it the minute it's done I hope you enjoy this chapter

(The day of the party)

Santana:Britt why don't you head home and get ready for tonight

Brittany:You sure

Santana:Yeah I can finish up here

Brittany:Ok(starts to pack up her stuff)

Santana:(Walks over to Brittany)So I'll see you tonight

Brittany:You bet(pecks Santana's lips)

Santana:Ok I gotta get going

Brittany:Ok bye

Santana:(Grins and leaves)

Brittany:(Calls Rachel)

(Brittany's phone call)

Rachel:Hey Brittany


Rachel:Are you excited about tonight

Brittany:Yeah you

Rachel:Of course

Brittany:Well I was wondering do you wanna get ready at our place

Rachel:Hell yeah I have been dying to see it

Brittany:Ok make sure you have your dress and make up I'll pick you up soon

Rachel:Ok see you then



(End of phone call)



Brittany:(Walks inside)I like it because it's kind of secluded

Rachel:(Looks around)It's amazing I can't believe she can afford this

Brittany:I was shocked too but then it sunk in she is pretty successful


Brittany:Come on the bathroom upstairs is huge(walks upstairs)


Brittany:(Walks in the bedroom and goes to the closet)

Rachel:(Looks around)This bedroom is as big as my living room

Brittany:I know right and check out the balcony

Rachel:(Goes to the balcony)It's beautiful

Brittany:(Pulls out her dress)Yeah I love how the water hits the rocks it's peaceful at night

Rachel:So can I see it

Brittany:See what

Rachel:This amazing room that holds dirty little secrets

Brittany:(Laughs)Oh please like that's gonna happen

Rachel:Brittany just one peek

Brittany:No I mean Santana hides the key...she has to be in control of everything


Brittany:That's how I was at first but she changed my mind really fast


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