Official Wedding Destination

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Brittany:(Laying in bed)San

Santana:(Typing on her computer)Yeah

Brittany:I've been avoiding this but...what happened with you and Noah

Santana:(Closes her laptop)

Brittany:I mean you don't have to answer I was just wondering

Santana:(Sits her laptop on the nightstand)No it's fine


Santana:(Thinks)We talked and I let him know I forgave him a long time ago and...


Santana:I told him just because I forgave him doesn't mean he gets to be in my life

Brittany:That must've hurt


Brittany:I feel bad for him

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Why

Brittany:Because I can't stand to be away from you even if it's for just a few minutes and he hasn't been around you for years...poor guy

Santana:(Laughs and pulls Brittany into her)You Brittany Pierce-Lopez are really sweet

Brittany:(Laughs)I know

Santana:(Kisses the top of Brittany's head)

Brittany:(Snuggles into her)

(Next afternoon)

Brittany:(Hugs Santana)We didn't have to do this today I know work plus the studio can get stressful

Santana:(Holds Brittany)I wanted to be here Britt this is our wedding we're planning

Brittany:(Smiles and looks at Santana)I love you

Santana:(Pecks Brittany's lips)Love you too baby

Brittany:(Smiles and pecks Santana's lips)

Santana:(Smiles and pecks Brittany's lips)

Beth:(Walks over)You guys are really cute

Brittany:(Turns her head)Thank you

Beth:Well I'm Beth

Santana:Santana and this is my fiance Brittany

Beth:(Laughs)I'm honored to be able to show you guys around your company has helped us out a lot


Beth:So you guys are thinking of having your wedding here

Brittany:Yeah and this place is really beautiful

Beth:(Smiles)Yeah...well let me show you the rest

Brittany:Lead the way

Beth:(Walks ahead)Well the Terranea Resort is a very popular place when it comes to weddings or big events

Brittany:(Follows while holding Santana's hand)

Beth:How about you guys tell me a bit about the wedding

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Well we definitely want to have it outside so the view has to be amazing


Beth:Well that's perfect because here at the Terranea Resort we have an amazing view of the ocean right this way(opens a door)

Brittany:(Walks outside with Santana)

Beth:(Walks along a path)Not only do we have amazing views but the hotel section of the resort has over 300 rooms and that includes 10 honeymoon/romantic suites

Brittany:(Smiles and squeezes Santana's hand)Wow


Beth:There's a five-star restaurant inside the hotel and I can promise you the food is amazing if you want them to cater your wedding

Brittany:That would be great

Beth:(Stops)This is the edge of the resort as you could tell on your way here you came up a large hill so this is where the resort ends and the ocean begins

Brittany:The view is seriously beautiful...and there's tons of room for the wedding


Brittany:What do you think baby

Santana:What if we wanted to rent out the whole resort

Beth:(Shocked)Um well it would be very expensive

Santana:(Laughs)Trust me money isn't a problem

Beth:Right...well it wouldn't be a problem

Santana:Well Brittany what do we think

Brittany:It's perfect

Santana:(Looks at Beth)I think we made our decision


Beth:(Excited)Ok well um you guys can look at the view while I get the paperwork set up and just come in when you're ready


Beth:(Squeals and walks away)

Santana:(Stands in front if Brittany)

Brittany:(Jumps and hugs Santana)

Santana:(Spins her around)

Brittany:Santana I love you so much

Santana:(Sits her down)I love you too baby

Brittany:(Looks towards the ocean)I can't believe this is where our wedding is taking place

Santana:Well believe it baby

Brittany:(Turns and looks at Santana)You are the best fiance ever(pecks her lips)

Santana:(Holds Brittany's waist)I guess you haven't met you yet



Brittany:I'm ready

Santana:You sure

Brittany:When it comes to us...I'm sure about everything

Santana:(Grins)Let's go make this official


A/N:Ok so the Terranea Resort  is a real place in California but I do not own it or anything and any description used was based off of my imagination also tomorrow morning my time I will post the first chapter of Life With You (the Just Dance Sequel)...I'm really nervous

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