Pain and Pleasure

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A/N:I was gonna wait but I'm nice so here you go

(Brittany's POV)

{Santana carried me upstairs with my legs wrapped around her waist and each kiss was filled with complete pleasure...her tongue was completely taking over my mouth and I had no problem with that...when we reached her secret room she gently layed me on the bed and continued to leave deep and rough kisses on my body...after a few minutes she roughly tore off my shirt and tossed it across the room she then quickly pulled off my jeans and did the same...I moaned whenever her fingers came in contact with my skin...before I knew it I was naked,tied up to the bed and blindfolded and at this moment I knew everything would be filled with pain...and pleasure}

Santana:(Drags her finger over Brittany's stomach)

Brittany:(Bites her lip)

Santana:Brittany Brittany Brittany


Santana:(Leans down and whispers in Brittany's ear)You know you have to be punished for your actions at dinner don't you


Santana:Answer my question


Santana:(Walks over and grabs a whip)

Brittany:(Waits and bites her lip)

Santana:(Walks over and drags the whip along Brittany's stomach)


Santana:You're mine you know that


Santana:(Whips Brittany's stomach)


Santana:I wanna hear you say it

Brittany:(Speaks softly)I'm yours

Santana:(Whips Brittany's stomach)Louder

Brittany:(Whimpers and speaks louder)I'm yours

Santana:(Whips her stomach)Louder

Brittany:(Tries to get loose)I'M YOURS!

Santana:(Grins)Good girl

Brittany:(Bites her lip)

Santana:(Leans down and kisses Brittany's stomach)


Santana:(Kisses down to Brittany's hips)


Santana:(Slowly opens Brittany's legs)


Santana:(Stands up)Do you want Sam

Brittany:(Shakes her head no)

Santana:(Whips Brittany's left thigh)Answer my question Brittany


Santana:(Whips her right thigh)No what

Brittany:(Whines)No I don't want Sam

Santana:(Bends down and hovers over Brittany)

Brittany:(Holds her breath)

Santana:(Whispers in Brittany's ear)Who do you want

Brittany:(Speaks softly)Y-you

Santana:(Squeezes Brittany's thigh)What


Santana:(Squeezes harder)

Brittany:You Santana I want you!

Santana:(Kisses Brittany's neck)

(Brittany's POV)

{Santana truly loved being in control every step of the way and I loved it...she loved when I did exactly what she said and if I didn't then I'd get "punished"...when she started kissing my neck I started to breathe steadily but the lower she got my breathing picked up pace...when she got to my breast she bit down on my left nipple then made circles around it with her tongue after she did the same to my right one...she slowly made her way to my now red stomach which caused me to flinch so she left little kisses all over...once she reached my throbbing thighs she did the same and soothed the pain with more kisses...every time she kissed me electricity filled my body and I can't help but moan out in she slowly begins to kiss near my throbbing center I can't help but arch my back which makes her reach up and grab my right breast...she slowly moved her tongue up and down over my clit and each movement was sending me closer and closer over the edge...after a few more licks she slid both her index finger and middle finger into me I immediately moaned out her name and wished I could run my fingers through her hair but when I tried I remembered I was still tied she picked up her speed I felt myself getting close}

Brittany:(Moans)San I'm getting close

Santana:(Pumps faster)

Brittany:(Moans)Oh god!

Santana:(Slows down)

Brittany:(Catches her breath)San

Santana:You don't cum until I say so

Brittany:(Moans)Santana please

Santana:(Pumps faster)


Santana:(Sucks Brittany's clit)

Brittany:I'm almost there!

Santana:(Slows down)

Brittany:(Bites her)I need to cum please let me cum San please

Santana:(Pumps faster)


Santana:(Pumps faster)Not yet


Santana:(Watches Brittany)Not yet

Brittany:(Bites down hard on her lip)


Brittany:(Moans loud and cums)Ugh!

Santana:(Slows her pace)

Brittany:(Rides out her climax)

Santana:(Slowly takes her fingers out of Brittany)

Brittany:(Catches her breath)

Santana:(Licks her fingers and kisses up to Brittany's lips)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Takes off the blindfold)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)

Santana:Did you learn your lesson


Santana:(Smiles and kisses Brittany's neck)

Brittany:(Closes her eyes)

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