My Future

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(Before the interview)

(Brittany's POV)

{Before the interview started some lady handed me an outfit to change into Santana nodded and told me to change so I did it was a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white top with black flats I felt like I had this outfit I probably did...after I changed a guy came over to do my hair he straightened it and did my bangs to be honest I never really liked bangs but he made them look hot...the same guy also did my makeup and after that he told me to wait by the camera crew so I did and I waited for Santana}

Santana:Are you ready

Brittany:(Turns around)

Santana:(Walks up to Brittany)I don't think they needed to add makeup


Santana:Because with or without it you are still the most beautiful woman on this earth


Santana:(Laughs)If you can smile like that during the interview then I think you'll do great


Santana:(Walks Brittany to a seat)You ready

Brittany:I'm a little nervous

Santana:(Sits in the chair next to her)All you have to do is relax ok


Beth:(Sits across from them)Hey Santana how are you

Santana:(Smiles)Great and you

Beth:Great as always and you must be Brittany

Brittany:Um yeah that's me

Beth:Well nice to meet you are you guys ready

Santana:Yeah let's start

Beth:(Nods at the camera)Ok guys we're back and once again I'm your host Beth and we're here with Santana Lopez Business goddess and sexy multi-millionaire


Beth:And would you care to introduce this beautiful young lady


Santana:Well she has many names she's my amazing assistant my partner in everything and as of last night she's my fiance and my future




Beth:Wait wait wait...I didn't even know you were dating anybody now you're telling me that you're engaged


Beth:Congratulations both of you


Beth:So Brittany you do realize that you have snatched up the richest woman in L.A.

Brittany:Yeah I'm very lucky

Beth:I'm still in shock I mean Santana you are getting ready for a huge party you own just about every L.A. property and more and now you're engaged


Beth:How do you feel about all of this Brittany

Brittany:I'm excited for everything she's doing I mean despite the fact that she won't tell me what the party is for she's an amazing person and I love her




Beth:I can't believe this is seriously happining I'm guessing the relationship has been pretty good if you're engaged


Beth:So how did it start


Beth:Is that all I get

Santana:Yeah I think the details are for us to know and for you to wonder about

Beth:Great now she's in business mode...what about you Brittany can you tell us anything

Santana:(Glances at Brittany)

Brittany:What I can tell you is that I'm excited and happy that I have Santana

Beth:You guys are really cute

(After the interview)

Beth:Congratulations once again


Beth:And it was nice meeting you Brittany

Brittany:You too

Beth:Ok guys let's pack up(walks away)

Santana:You did great

Brittany:I was so nervous

Santana:(Holds Brittany's waist)Well I couldn't tell

Brittany:Did I really do good

Santana:Amazing(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:Why don't we head home early

Brittany:What about the rest of your meetings

Santana:I have something better to do(slides her hands to Brittany's ass)


Santana:Come on(takes Brittany's hand and leaves)

(At the house)

Santana:(Lays Brittany on the bed)

Brittany:(Watches Santana)

Santana:(Takes off her shirt and kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Kisses her neck)I'm gonna try something...different

Brittany:(Moans)Like what

Santana:You'll see(takes off Brittany's pants)

Brittany:(Takes off her shirt)

Santana:(Moves her hands over Brittany's body)




Santana:(Whispers in Brittany's ear)I told you I could make you cum without being inside of you

Brittany:You are so lucky I can't touch you right now

Santana:(Pecks Brittany's lips and unites her hands)

Brittany:(Slowly sits up)Shit I'm so sore

Santana:(Sits her hand on Brittany's thigh)


Santana:I love you

Brittany:I love you too

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