Another Year Of Happiness

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(Music starts)

Brittany:(Walks out with her dad)

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Wow

Finn:She looks beautiful


Brittany:(Slowly walks towards Santana)

Mark:(Whispers)You look so beautiful sweetheart

Brittany:(Whispers)Thank you daddy

Mark:She's a very lucky girl

Brittany:I'm the lucky one

Mark:(Smiles)Here we are

Brittany:(Stands in front of Santana)

Mark:(Whispers into Santana's ear)You hurt her you get hurt(Goes to his place)

Santana:(Stares at Brittany and takes her hands)


Santana:(Whispers)You look absolutely stunning

Brittany:(Whispers)You clean up very well


(Music stops)

Mark:(Clears his throat)Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today- You know what I'm just gonna do this my way...Brittany I never thought I would have to come to a second wedding but here I am and I'm not as upset as I thought I would be because I think Santana is the one for you and from her background I know that she'll be able to provide for you and protect be honest I wish you had met her a long time ago because you have been so much happier with her then ever before and that's all a father could want for his little girl...well that and for her to keep her virgin mobile plan if you know what I mean but that's another story

Brittany:(Smiles and shakes her head)

Mark:Santana...well I don't know much about you but seeing how you look at my daughter I know that I'll have the rest of my life to get to know you and like any great father would say...if you behave in a manner unbecoming while you're with my daughter, the authorities won't find your body and trust me that's not a threat or a promise it's a guarantee

Santana:(Chuckles nervously)

Mark:When I look at you two I see a future...with that said let's have Brittany start with her vows

Brittany:(Smiles)Santana...I never thought we'd be anything like this...honestly I expected you to be nothing but my boss and I'm so happy that you became so much more than that and trust me I know that we're gonna have our ups and with my stubbornness and you with your control but I will never leave you...Santana Lopez you made me realize I'm not who I thought I was but so much more than that and I thank you for that...I love you more than words can express

Santana:...A year ago if someone met me they would see darkness and hidden behind that darkness was a lost soul...But you Brittany when you met me right away you saw different you saw that lost soul that was begging for help and you were the first one that was able to see it in a long time...You tore down my walls and the minute I knew I couldn't let you go I was ready to completely let you go...but then I remembered something my mother use to say "Haga una cosa cada día que te asusta"


Santana:It means "Do one thing everyday that scares you"...Brittany admitting to myself that I loved you was the scariest thing I've ever had to do...You are beautiful inside and out and I may screw up once or twice but I will always love you

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