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(The next morning 3 days until the party)

Brittany:(Wakes up)


Brittany:(Sits up)

Santana:(Slowly opens her eyes)

Brittany:Sorry did I wake you

Santana:No(looks at her watch)no I should be getting up anyway we should almost be back to the dock

Brittany:Santana I don't know what to say...last night was the best night of my life

Santana:(Slowly sits up)I'm really happy you enjoyed it

Brittany:(Kisses Santana)

Santana:(Kisses back)

Brittany:(Straddles Santana)

Santana:(Kisses deeper)

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through Santana's hair)

Santana:(Holds Brittany's waist)

Captain:(Knocks on the door)Miss Lopez we're at the dock

Santana:(Pulls away)Thank you

Brittany:(Climbs off of Santana)

Santana:Well we can head home then get breakfast on the way to the office

Brittany:Ok that sounds fine

Santana:(Gets dressed)

Brittany:(Gets dressed)

(Later at the office)

Brittany:(On the phone)

(Brittany's phone call)

Brittany:It was amazing I had the best food and we went on her yacht

Rachel:She has a yacht

Brittany:Yes it's amazing...maybe I could talk to her about a little trip that we could all take

Rachel:Yeah definitely please do

Brittany:(Chuckles)...hey umm did you know Sam was back

Rachel:Yeah he stopped by to talk to Finn

Brittany:About what

Rachel:What do you think

Brittany:Ugh he talked to me...he interrupted my breakfast date with Santana and he came to the office and talked to me in the parking garage


Brittany:Yeah he scared me he was yelling and banging on the car

Rachel:Oh my god...well he-

Santana:(In the background)Sam did what

Brittany:(Looks up)Umm Rachel I'll call you later ok bye

(End of phone call)

Santana:Sam came here and confronted you in the garage

Brittany:(Stands up)San

Santana:And you didn't tell me!

Brittany:Well I-

Santana:Why didn't you tell me!

Brittany:(Scared)I don't know

Santana:(Knocks stuff off her desk)Bullshit!


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