Tell Me More

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A/N:Since Valentines day is upon us I decided to show my love by updating sooner and thanks to everyone who is reading this story because of you guys The Affair has gotten over 45k views! So thanks and love you all

(At Dinner)

Brittany:(Walks into the restaurant with Santana)

Hostess:(Looks up)Oh my god you're Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce


Hostess:Your guest are right this way(leads the way)

Santana:(Follows with Brittany)

Brittany:I've never been addressed like that

Santana:(Squeezes Brittany's hand)You might wanna get used to it


Hostess:Here we are

Heather:(Stands and hugs Brittany)Hey Brittany

Brittany:(Hugs back)Hey mom

Heather:(Pulls away and hugs Santana)hi Santana

Santana:(Hugs back)Hi Mrs.Pierce

Heather:(Pulls away)Call me Heather(sits)

Santana:(Nods and sits)

Brittany:(Hugs her dad then sits)

Hostess:Ok what can I get you guys

(After everyone orders)

Artie:(Laughs)I actually dated Brittany

Brittany:(Laughs)Really Artie

Artie:I'm just saying

Santana:What ended it

Brittany:We just wanted to be friends


Santana:(Sips her drink)

Kurt:What about you Santana...past relationships

Santana:Well being a Lopez does have it's perks

Kurt:Oh really

Brittany:She actually dated um Quinn

Tina:Quinn Fabray


Artie:I can't believe I've been trying to get her for years and you dated her

Mike:When did you guys date


Blaine:Did you date a lot in college

Santana:Yeah I mean most of my relationships were in college and there were plenty

Blaine:Over 10

Santana:Way over

Brittany:(Sarcastic)Yes please talk about ALL your past relationships in front of your fiance

Santana:That's what I'm trying to do

(Everyone laughs)

Brittany:(Playfully slaps Santana's arm)Anyway I rescheduled my appointment with Beth which is the lady who works at the resort the wedding is being held at and it's tomorrow at 10:30am


Brittany:So I was thinking Tina, Mercedes and Mom come with me and Rachel to get dresses designed and discuss wedding decorations then Artie, Mike, Kurt ,Blaine and Dad go with Santana and Finn to get the tux finished then go wine tasting

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