All I Want

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(Next Morning Brittany's POV)

{I woke up wrapped in warm sheets and the thought of last night in my head the way Santana sent chills through my whole body when she kissed me it was like an explosive feeling the way her lips moved with mine the way her hands caressed my body I had never felt that way before and 2 times in one night that was definitely a first and with skills like Santana has it definitely won't be the last time...I looked over and noticed the empty spot next to me so I grabbed one of Santana's button up work shirts and put it on I then made my way down the hallway and down the stairs that's when I heard typing and went into Santana's office where I saw her working}

Brittany:(Stands in the doorway)

Santana:(Stops typing)You can come in

Brittany:(Smiles and walks in)

Santana:(Turns her chair and faces Brittany)

Brittany:(Walks over and straddles Santana)Good morning

Santana:(Holds Brittany's hips)Morning

Brittany:I really enjoyed last night

Santana:I thought you did


Santana:So Sam leaves today


Santana:You gonna go see him

Brittany:(Plays with the ends of Santana's hair and shrugs)

Santana:I'm not sure that's an answer

Brittany:Well-(hears her phone)I'll be right back(gets off of Santana and runs upstairs)

Santana:(Grins and goes back to work)

Brittany:(Answers her phone)

(Brittany's phone call)



Brittany:What do you want Sam

Sam:(Sighs)I wanna talk before I go

Brittany:I think we did enough of that last night

Sam:Brittany I was upset and I'm sorry but can you blame me

Brittany:(Sighs)Where do you wanna meet

Sam:Lucy's Cafe in like 10minutes

Brittany:I'll be there in 20 minutes

Sam:Ok that works my plane doesn't leave for another hour so see you soon

Brittany:(Hangs up)

(End of phone call)

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair and gets ready)

(10 minutes later)

Brittany:(Walks downstairs)

Santana:(On the phone)

Brittany:(Grabs her keys)

Santana:(Hangs up)Looks like I know what that shrug meant

Brittany:He wants to talk

Santana:Maybe I could drive you

Brittany:Santana I don't know if that's appropriate for this I mean I did cheat on him with you

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