Quite Some Time

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(During The Party Brittany's POV)

{I love her I love her I love her...I can't believe she bought me a dance studio then planned this for me she is amazing...I knew she cared but this...this is my dream she made my dream come true when Sam took it away...when she revealed everything my heart stopped I was filled with so many emotions the building was beautiful the party looked amazing and my fiance was working her ass off to get the studio members already...I don't think I've ever been this happy}

Brittany:(Drinking Champaign and talking to Rachel)

Rachel:I can't believe she did this for you...I was so wrong about her

Brittany:(Smiles)She is full of surprises...I love her

Rachel:I can tell she loves you

Finn:(Walks over)Congrats Brittany


Rachel:(Looks over)Hey look who's here

Brittany:(Looks in Rachel's direction)I didn't see her name on the guest list I mean...I sent out the invitations

Finn:Well maybe Santana invited her she is going to talk to her

Santana:(Laughs)Well I guarantee you if you sign up for a membership now you'll only have to pay half the price and your son will learn from the best

Jerry:Ok we have a deal we can discuss it more tomorrow

Santana:(Smiles and nods)

Jerry:(Smiles and walks away)

Quinn:(Walks over)I see you never take a break

Santana:(Turns around)Nope


Santana:What exactly are you doing here

Quinn:I got invited by a friend

Santana:What friend

Quinn:The one you were just talking to

Santana:You're friends with Jerry

Quinn:Well he has a thing for me

Santana:(Grins)I'm sure you're leading him on

Quinn:(Shrugs)Santana you know I'm off the market

Santana:So why'd you accept his invite

Quinn:I needed to see you


Quinn:I prefer not to say out here

Santana:(Looks around)Follow me(walks towards a room)

Quinn:(Grins and follows Santana)

Brittany:(Watches them)

Rachel:Where are they going

Finn:Maybe they needed to talk

Brittany:About what they met once

Rachel:That's right

Finn:Maybe business...look I'm gonna get a bite to eat anyone wanna come

Brittany:(Sips her drink)

Rachel:We're fine

Finn:Ok(walks away)

Thomas:(Walks over)Hello

Brittany:(Glances at Rachel then at Thomas)Um hi

Thomas:I'm Thomas Cooper manager of Cooper Industries and you're Brittany Pierce right

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