First Date pt1

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Santana:Ok Brittany I need you to call the personal designer then the food caterer after that call the DJ and have them come here right away then I need you to call my jewelry store Lopez Diamonds and have them send over 1,500 Rolex watches and 1,500 diamond necklaces do you think you can do that in an hour

Brittany:(Stares at Santana)You want all of this done in 1 hour

Santana:(Looks at her)Yeah and us talking isn't gonna get it done so I would get started plus I need you to go to my warehouse and pick up a few boxes

Brittany:Ok boss(starts making calls)

Santana:(Smiles)That's my girl(leaves)

(Brittany's POV)

{I don't see how Santana survived this long without an assistant I know for a fact she wouldn't have been able to make calls and schedule appointments well she did have a couple hundred people who worked for her company but they were all busy with other work to help the company...I have never been so stressed I was scared I couldn't do everything in time but after 45 minutes I got everything done and all I had to do now was get to the warehouse and get the boxes which I had no idea what was in them but at least I'll be out of the office}

Brittany:(Grabs her keys)

Patrick:(Walks in)Miss Pierce

Brittany:Um yes

Patrick:(Holds his hand out)Hi I'm Patrick I work in the financial part of the company

Brittany:(Shakes his hand)Nice to meet you

Patrick:Nice to meet you too

Brittany:So what can I do for you I'm kind of in a hurry

Patrick:Right um Miss Lopez is in a meeting and wants me to tell you she's having someone else pick up the boxes and she wants you to leave early and get ready for dinner


Patrick:Also she moved your dinner reservations to 6:00pm because she has other things planned for your evening out

Brittany:(Smiles)Well tell Miss Lopez I can't wait

Patrick:Will do and I hope everything goes well(leaves)

Brittany:(Smiles and grabs her stuff)So do I(leaves)

(In the parking garage)

Brittany:(Unlocks her doors)

Sam:(Walks up to her)Brittany

Brittany:(Looks up)What the hell are you doing here

Sam:I just wanna talk to you please

Brittany:There's nothing to talk about

Sam:(Sighs)10 minutes just give me 10 minutes

Brittany:(Checks her phone)Fine 10 minutes now talk

Sam:Here...can we at least go to a cafe or even inside the building

Brittany:9 minutes to go

Sam:(Sighs)How are you

Brittany:Great couldn't be better

Sam:I miss you

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair)

Sam:Brittany we can't get a divorce everything we've been through together we can't just throw it away

Brittany:"Together" Sam you were hardly home you always put work before me before us before everything

Sam:I'm sorry ok but you think Santana will always be with you she owns a billion dollar company and it's just gonna grow

Brittany:...I know but when she is with me she'll make that time special and important

Sam:Brittany please

Brittany:Times up

Sam:Brittany I won't let you leave me I love you

Brittany:Sadly Sam you don't have a choice(gets in her car)

Sam:(Bangs on the car)Brittany!

Brittany:(Drives off)

Sam:(Screams)Brittany!! Brittany!!

(Brittany's POV)

{To be totally honest I was a little scared I mean Sam does have a temper but it's not an explosive one except for just now I did get a little shaken up but once I got out of the parking garage I remembered why I was heading home...for my first actual date date with Santana I had no idea what to wear but I had an hour to figure it out}

(1 hour later)

(Brittany's POV)

{Santana texted me to dress casually so I wore a pair of black skinny jeans with black flats and a white blouse I curled my hair to one side and put on cherry lip gloss...a little after I finished getting ready I heard a knock at the door so I answered it and there was Santana wearing a pair of light blue jeans and a black button up shirt with black dress shoes and a dozen roses}


Santana:You look amazing

Brittany:So do you

Santana:(Hands Brittany the roses)For you

Brittany:Thank you(goes to put them in water)

Santana:You ready

Brittany:(Grabs her wallet and phone)

Santana:(Holds out her hand)

Brittany:(Takes it and leaves)

(In the car)


Brittany:So where are we going

Santana:You'll see

Brittany:You're so secretive

Santana:No I just like reactions

Brittany:What do you mean

Santana:I love the reaction on people's faces when I make things happen

Brittany:What do you mean

Santana:(Stops the car)Close your eyes


Santana:Close your eyes

Brittany:(Closes her eyes)

Santana:(Steps out of the car and opens Brittany's door)

Brittany:What are you doing

Santana:(Takes Brittany's hand)

Brittany:(Gets out of the car)

Santana:Open your eyes

Brittany:(Opens her eyes)Oh my god

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