Shut Up and Drive

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(At the Resort)

Brittany:No during the wedding I want the cake over there


Brittany:Are these all the chairs

Beth:Yes there's enough for the whole Lopez Marketing and Management staff and for your family and friends plus Mrs.Lopez's friends

Brittany:Ok I need the lights hung higher they're way to low and I want the chairs pushed a little bit further to the side not so close to the aisle

Beth:Got it(writes)

Brittany:Give me a second I need to make a call

Beth:(Nods and walks over to the decorators)Raise the lights higher damn it!

Brittany:(Laughs and calls Santana)

(Brittany's phone call)

Santana:Hey Britt

Brittany:Hey baby

Santana:How's it going


Santana:What's wrong

Brittany:Nothing's wrong it's just exhausting

Santana:Baby tell me what I can do to help

Brittany:Everything's fine babe just focus on work

Santana:Our wedding is more important than work so if you need a break then tell me and I'll do more to help

Brittany:Everything's just about done all that's left is placing and food

Santana:Well I'll be sure to help with that

Brittany:Thank you baby

Santana:Hey what time am I meeting Kurt tonight

Brittany:Right um Blaine took him already

Santana:But I thought I was taking him

Brittany:Blaine said Kurt was a little too excited to go so he took him

Santana:(Laughs)Well then I'll be getting out of here early because I canceled my last meeting to go with Kurt

Brittany:I should be done in a few hours and honestly I'm gonna pass out when I get home

Santana:You deserve to get some rest because in just a few weeks we will be getting married and going on the best honeymoon

Brittany:I'm really excited

Santana:Me too

Brittany:Hey I gotta go but I'll see you tonight

Santana:Alright I'll see you later

(End of phone call)

Brittany:(Looks at a decorator)Hey be careful with that!(quickly walks over)

(With Santana)

Santana:Ok so the numbers for my company are higher than ever before and we all know that this isn't the highest they'll get

Nate:I'm sure you're right

Santana:I am and your numbers compared to mine are pathetic but hey what do I know maybe they'll skyrocket like they did in(flips through papers)Oh yeah that hasn't happened...yet

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