1 Hour

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(5:00pm At Rachel and Finns house)

Brittany:(Walks in)I'm here

Finn:I'm in the kitchen

Brittany:(Walks into the kitchen)

Finn:(Pouring coffee)You want some

Brittany:Sure(sits down)

Finn:(Sits down and hands Brittany a cup)

Brittany:Finn is everything ok

Finn:Did Rachel tell you I talked to Sam


Finn:Brittany I'm worried Sam might do something stupid or at least try to

Brittany:What do you mean

Finn:Sam loves you he made that very clear he's crazy about you and trust me I don't think that divorce thing is gonna happen

Brittany:(Sips her coffee)

Finn:The only way he's giving you up is if he's dead and even then it's gonna be hard

Brittany:Why didn't Rachel tell me any of this

Finn:Because I told her a different story


Finn:I didn't want her to worry

Brittany:So what should I do

Finn:Hear him out give him a chance

Brittany:Like that's gonna happen Santana would be pissed if I even called him

Finn:Well Santana isn't the boss of you this is your life decision

Brittany:So what you're saying is even though I love Santana and wanna be with her I should do the opposite of what she thinks is best for me

Finn:Look all I'm saying is hear him out I mean you did love him once upon a time right


Finn:Don't get me wrong I like Santana and I admit Sam was a screw up but I think he's learned his lesson

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through her hair)What did you mean when you said he might do something stupid

Finn:You know how Sam is...he'll relax if you talk to him

Brittany:(Checks her phone)Maybe one call wouldn't hurt

Finn:Santana doesn't even have to know

Brittany:That's the thing Santana really disapproves of secrets

Finn:Every couple has their little secrets(winks and takes their cups)

Brittany:Ok I guess I'll call him but I better go


Brittany:(Hugs Finn)I'll talk to you later

Finn:I hope things go ok

Brittany:(Smiles and leaves)

(Brittany's POV)

{I was so lost about what I should do I could call Sam just to check on him I owe him that don't I...or I could go straight home and relax while I wait and see when Santana gets home...a part of me was saying "go home Santana told you how she feels about Sam and you're really thinking about calling him" and the other part of me was saying "it's just one call like Finn said Santana doesn't even have to know for god sake you cheated on him Brittany" and me being me I felt bad so I called him}

Brittany:(Driving and calls Sam)

(Brittany's phone call)



Sam:I never thought I'd hear from you again after earlier

Brittany:I never thought I'd be calling you


Brittany:Sam I'm gonna give you a chance to talk to me but don't expect anything out of it

Sam:Are you serious

Brittany:You have 1 hour to say whatever you have to say...I figure you want to do this in person so where should I meet you

Sam:Just come to the house I just got home and I bought pizza so I hope you haven't eaten

Brittany:(Thinks)Ok I'll be there soon


(End of phone call)

Brittany:(Drives to her old house)

(10 minutes later)

Brittany:(Knocks on the door)

Sam:(Opens it)Hey


Sam:Come in don't be shy this is your house too

Brittany:(Walks in)Was...this was my house too

Sam:(Sighs and closes the door)We can change that

Brittany:I don't wanna change it(sits on the couch)

Sam:(Sits next to her)


Sam:Right(looks at Brittany)how are you

Brittany:I'm fine

Sam:I miss you

Brittany:Yeah I know

Sam:Do you miss me...even a little bit


Sam:(Grins)Brittany I'm really sorry I know I screwed things up for us but I just want you in my life


Sam:(Tears up and wipes his eyes)I need you in my life because like I said on our wedding day...I'm not a whole without you

Brittany:(Looks at Sam)

Sam:We had something and I know you think we lost it but I think it's still here and we can bring it back

Brittany:Sam I love you I do but...I'm in love with Santana

Sam:(Takes Brittany's hand)Don't make me live without you please

Brittany:(Wipes Sam's eyes)

Sam:(Leans in and kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Sam:(Kisses deeper)

Brittany:(Pulls away)No no no(stands up)I need to go

Sam:Brittany please I'm sorry...you said I have one hour you cheated on me you owe me that

Brittany:That's what this is about...you're not mad that I cheated on you you're mad because I'm with someone who isn't you...I knew I shouldn't have come here(Leaves)


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