I Wanna Be Happy

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(Brittany's POV Next Morning)

{I woke up to an empty spot in the bed with a note from Santana it said that she wanted me to meet her at the office so I got up and took a long shower with some of Santana's body wash and shampoo after that I put on a pair of jeans and a blouse then I headed out...after a few minutes of driving I arrived at the office and was greeted by a face I hadn't seen in awhile}

Judy:(Smiles)Hi Brittany


Judy:How have you been

Brittany:Pretty good how bout you

Judy:I'm good

Brittany:That's good

Judy:So how's that sexy model Sam


Santana:(Walks up to them)Judy you don't wanna overwhelm Brittany on her first day back

Judy:(Goes back to work)

Santana:Let's go Brittany(walks to the elevator)

Brittany:Bye(walks with Santana)


Santana:(Steps into the elevator with Brittany)


Santana:No problem


Santana:(Sniffs and then looks at Brittany)

Brittany:(Smiles and then looks down)Is there a problem Miss Lopez

Santana:(Grins)No(steps off the elevator)

Brittany:(Follows Santana)

(In the office)

Brittany:(Starts walking to her desk)

Santana:(Grabs her arm and pulls her close)

Brittany:(Smiles)So there is a problem

Santana:A big one(kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Kisses deeper)

Brittany:(Mumbles into the kiss)Your body wash smells really good

Santana:(Grins)Yeah who doesn't love the smell of mango


Santana:(Slides her tongue in Brittany's mouth)


Rachel:(Burst through the door)Britt-

Brittany:(Pulls away and quickly turns to Rachel)Rach

Judy:(Runs in)You ca-

Santana:(Looks at Judy)

Judy:I tried to stop her

Rachel:So Sam was right

Brittany:Rachel it's not what you think

Rachel:What I think is that you cheated this isn't the Brittany I know(walks out of the room)

Brittany:(Runs after Rachel)

Judy:I tried to-

Santana:Get out

Judy:Yes Miss Lopez(leaves)

Santana:(Sits at her desk)

(In the lobby)

Brittany:Rachel wait

Rachel:(Turns to Brittany)What

Brittany:Let me explain

Rachel:You cheated on your husband

Brittany:Why are you so upset this is between me and Sam

Rachel:This is not the Brittany I know and to be honest I blame Santana

Brittany:This is not her fault

Rachel:Really because according to Sam she's the reason you guys are getting a divorce

Brittany:I'm divorcing Sam because our relationship isn't working out and I don't love him anymore

Rachel:And what you think you love her

Brittany:I know I do

Rachel:Look you have until Sam gets back to realize that your making a mistake(leaves)

Brittany:(Walks up to Judy)She's not allowed back in here


Brittany:(Goes back to the office)


Brittany:(Walks in)

Santana:(Stands up)Hey you ok

Brittany:I'm fine

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Brittany:I just don't wanna talk about it right now

Santana:That's fine I have a meeting to go to

Brittany:Judy didn't mention anything

Santana:It's not a business meeting

Brittany:What kind of meeting is it

Santana:There's papers on your desk I need them sent out to everyone in my contacts list

Brittany:For what

Santana:A party in a few weeks

Brittany:(Goes to her desk and reads the papers)Ok anything else

Santana:No have fun(leaves)


(Brittany's POV)

{Everything that just happened made my mood completely change I was so happy to have my lips pressed against Santana's but once again Rachel ruined the moment I don't get why she's so upset this is between me and Sam and she was wrong I do love Santana she's there for me and she cares about me I want to be happy why can't anybody except that I'm happy with her}

A/N:I hope you like

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