Carnations and Tulips

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A/N:Hey guys I'm sorry to have to say this but...The Affair is reaching it's closing in just a few chapters and boy oh boy I have a lot of feelings good and bad about the ending but I'm proud of this Brittana Fanfic and as always I'm working on tons of Fanfics just so you know love you guys and I hope you really have enjoyed reading this

Santana:(Staring at the ceiling)

Brittany:(Cuddles closer to Santana)

Santana:(Looks down at Brittany)

Brittany:(Keeps her eyes close)What are you thinking about

Santana:(Takes a deep breath)Nothing...everything

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Quinn

Santana:(Strokes Brittany's arm)When we meet with her tomorrow that'll be the first time we actually sit down and have an actual conversation

Brittany:You're scared

Santana:God please use a different word use...nervous or worried even jittery

Brittany:Why not scared I mean it's ok to be scared

Santana:I'm a Lopez I'm not supposed to be scared


Santana:My abuela always said Cualquier López que tiene miedo de todo lo que no es en absoluto un López

Brittany:And that means...

Santana:Any Lopez who is afraid of anything is not a Lopez at all...that was one of her many Lopez family motto's

Brittany:Baby you're human and every human gets scared now and then so it's ok to be scared about tomorrow I would actually be a little freaked if you weren't scared because it is a brave thing to do

Santana:(Kisses Brittany's head)I love you Mrs.Lopez-Pierce

Brittany:And I love you Mrs.Lopez

Santana:(Smiles)Go back to bed Britt

Brittany:(Smiles and closes her eyes)

(Next day)

Brittany:(Flips through a binder)And you made these

Alison:Yeah I've made them for parties and other big events

Brittany:Wow they look amazing


Brittany:Ok so what were you thinking

Alison:Well from what you told me about the wedding and showed me I was thinking(pulls out her sketchbook and draws)A 4 stack buttercream cake with light teal icing and then I add some designs over that in white icing and maybe use the white icing to make bows at the start of every stake

Brittany:(Looks at the sketchbook)Oh my god this is perfect

Alison:(Smiles)You think

Brittany:(Nods)I love it

Santana:(Walks in)I see you picked a cake

Brittany:Come see it

Santana:(Walks over and looks at the sketchbook)It's amazing

Brittany:This is definitely the cake

Santana:Alison is very talented

Alison:(Smiles)Stop I'm turning into a tomato


Santana:(Checks her watch)Hey we should start heading out to Quinn's shop

Brittany:I sorta forgot that Beth will be here in about 15 minutes and Alison is gonna stay a little longer to discuss more desserts and the dinner menu with Beth and so I was hoping you could do the flowers with just Quinn

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