Chapter Seven ▫ Big News

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Brittany's POV

I'm driving home with a weird feeling in my stomach and in my chest. I don't know what happened one minute she has her hand practically on my ass and then she's leaving me alone on the dance floor.

I feel like I'm gonna barf but with the windows open the air relaxes me. I can see Sam driving behind me so it would be weird if I turned around and headed back to the office and hoped Santana was still there so I just drove home.

Brittany:(Pulls up in the driveway)

Sam:(Pulls up next to her)

Brittany:(Gets out and locks the doors)

Sam:(Does the same)Baby are you ok?

Brittany:Yeah I just need some sleep I have to work tomorrow

Sam:Even after how late the party was?

Brittany:Yeah but I go in for 8:00am instead of 6:00am

Sam:Well yeah you should get sleep

Brittany:(Goes inside)

Sam:(Follows her inside)

Brittany:(Goes upstairs to shower)

Sam:(Flops on the couch)

I took a long shower and the whole time I thought about whether or not I would walk into the office and see Santana looking at me with her squint. God that squint thing she does drives me crazy. Normally I was super excited to go to work but now I was just nervous.

Would she even look at me or even try to flirt with me?

Then I thought maybe that's good then I could focus on Sam, my husband, the man I married.

I wanted Santana.

Brittany:(Steps out of the shower and puts on pajamas)

Sam:(Sitting on the bed)You feel better?

Brittany:(Lays down)A little

Sam:Did you and Santana argue about something?

Brittany:(Faces the opposite direction of Sam worried)What do you mean?

Sam:Well one minute you guys are dancing and then she walks away she seemed upset or something

Brittany:(Lies)She just wasn't feeling good

Sam:Oh...well I'm gonna take a shower(pecks Brittany's cheek and goes into the bathroom)

Brittany:(Sighs and goes to sleep)


Brittany:(Wakes up)

Sam:(Getting ready)

Brittany:(Sits up and stretches)Where are you headed?

Sam:I got a call last night about something big I wanted to wake you up but you looked exhausted so I let you sleep

Brittany:(Goes into the bathroom to brush her teeth)What's the big thing?

Sam:I don't know yet but they said if I do it then my modeling life could change

Brittany:Well sounds like a great opportunity

Sam:I know right

Brittany:(Comes out)Well I hope everything goes well

Sam:(Pecks Brittany's lips)So do I and if they do I want to celebrate me you Rachel Finn and Santana

Brittany:(Looks at Sam)Santana? Why Santana?

Sam:Brittany she got you a car she gave you a job and she seems great I thought you would be happy

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