The Real Reason Why

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The Wedding

(Brittany's POV)

{A week ago I was laying in a hospital bed with Santana thankful that she was alive and now in a just a few minutes I'll be thankful that she's my wife...if someone asked me almost a year ago where I saw myself in the future I would have said "Happily married to my husband with a few kids" and if I said that I would mentally add "Even though he works a lot and pays no attention to me and he expects me to be some type of suburban housewife" now if someone asked me that same question I would say "Happily married to my amazing wife working in my dance studio with a few kids and having the best sex of my life" with nothing to add in my head...A few days ago Sam was sentenced 15-20 years in prison and I'm not saying it's true...well yeah I am but Santana seemed friendly with the judge and I think a few extra years might've been added due to the fact that she is Santana Lopez and normally I was against high powered figures showing favoritism but in this case I was just happy he was out of the way and I could live a real and happy life}

Brittany:I can't believe this is really happening

Rachel:(Finishes Brittany's make-up)Are you nervous

Brittany:I'm freaking out

Rachel:(Smiles)I know you are I can see you shaking

Brittany:(Takes a deep breath)Oh my god

Rachel:Stand up


Rachel:(Helps Brittany with her veil)Ok Brittany I seriously need you hold still(laughs)

Brittany:Rachel I'm trying

Rachel:(Smiles and steps back)Done

Brittany:(Looks in the mirror)

Rachel:You look so beautiful

Brittany:(Smiles)I do don't I

Rachel:(Holds back tears)Yes you do

(With Santana)

Santana:(Fixes her bowtie)Finally it's perfect

Finn:Looks a little crooked to me

Santana:(Looks in the mirror)Are you fucking kidding me

Finn:Yup I am...dude relax you look fine the decorations out there look amazing everything is perfect

Santana:(Takes a deep breath)You're right

Knock knock

Santana:It's open

Puck:(Walks in)

Santana:(Looks at Finn)You're wrong


Quinn:(Walks in and hugs Santana)Hey

Santana:(Hugs Quinn)Hey

Quinn:(Steps back)Sorry I just was excited to see you

Santana:(Smiles)It's fine by the way you did amazing


Finn:What am I garbage

Quinn:(Walks over and hugs Finn)Hi

Finn:Hey how are you

Quinn:(Pulls away)I'm good and you guys look amazing

Finn:So do you

Puck:(Clears his throat)

Quinn:Oh yeah Finn this is Noah and Noah this is Finn

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