No Regrets

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(Brittany's POV)

{It had just reached midnight and Santana still hadn't woken up the doctors said it would take time but I was just so worried...I noticed that everyone started to look pretty tired so I told them to go and get some sleep they refused several times but eventually left and promised they would be back to check on me and that they would fill everyone back at the hotel in about everything...An hour after they left the doctor came over to talk to me}

Dr.Kelly:Hey how are you doing(hands her a cup of coffee)

Brittany:(Sips)I'm fine

Dr.Kelly:Well Santana is awake and the nurses are doing a few test but you should be able to see her soon

Brittany:(Quickly stands)Oh thank god

Dr.Kelly:I'll have a nurse come back and let you know when they're done

Brittany:(Nods)Ok thank you so much

Dr.Kelly:(Smiles and walks away)


(20 minutes later)

Nurse Jackie:Excuse me Miss

Brittany:Brittany call me Brittany

Nurse Jackie:(Smiles)Brittany we did all of our test and Santana is in great condition the wound has been stitched closed and she'll have pain when she moves she also has a small cut on the back of her head but it's nothing major

Brittany:So she's fine

Nurse Jackie:Yes it sure seems that way we're just gonna keep her here tonight you can never be too safe


Nurse Jackie:Would you like to see her

Brittany:Yes please

Nurse Jackie:Follow me(starts walking)


Nurse Jackie:If you don't mind me asking when's the wedding

Brittany:(Looks down and plays with her ring)It um it was supposed to be in about 3 weeks but after this I'm not sure

Nurse Jackie:I think you should still do it I've seen you guys separately and I can cleary see together you make a very beautiful couple I've never been in this type of situation but if I had I would marry my fiance the second we left the hospital all though that's just me(glances back at Brittany)Sorry I talk a lot

Brittany:(Faintly smiles)It's fine and your suggestion is actually really...romantic

Nurse Jackie:(Smiles and stops at a door)Are you ready

Brittany:(Wipes her eyes and nods)

Nurse Jackie:Just wait one second(opens the door)Santana you have a visitor

Santana:(Sits up and groans)If it's not my fiance then get out

Nurse Jackie:(Motions for Brittany to come in)

Brittany:(Slowly walks in)

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Nurse Jackie:Very beautiful couple...just press the red button if you need anything(walks out)

Brittany:(Holds back tears)

Santana:Come here

Brittany:(Slowly walks over)

Santana:(Grabs Brittany's hand and pulls her onto the bed)


Santana:(Pulls Brittany onto her lap)

Brittany:(Straddles Santana)

Santana:(Looks into Brittany's eyes)I'm ok


Santana:(Pulls Brittany into a hug)Shhh I'm ok

Brittany:(Hugs Santana tight)


Brittany:(Quickly pulls away)I'm s-sorry

Santana:(Wipes Brittany's tears)No it's ok the pain pills just started working

Brittany:Santana what happened to you who did this

Santana:Brittany before I tell you anything I need to say something

Brittany:W-what is it

Santana:(Strokes Brittany's cheek)I did something awful and cruel and the fact that I don't regret it makes me feel disgusted with myself

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)What are you talking about

Santana:I seduced and slept with a married women...I came in between a married couple and I have no regrets

Brittany:Santana you shouldn't have any regrets because I wanted you just as bad as you wanted me I don't want you to regret anything because I don't

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)I love you so much and I don't regret anything I just wonder how this would've played out if I didn't ruin somebody's life

Brittany:Who's life did you ruin

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)

Brittany:San Sam is fine I haven't heard from him in awhile but I'm sure he's moving on

Santana:(Glances at her stomach)I don't think he is

Brittany:Why do y- Santana did he

Santana:He has my car I wouldn't be surprised if he's already headed out of California

Brittany:(Climbs off of Santana)Sam wouldn't(looks at Santana)He couldn't have

Santana:(Adjust herself and groans)It was him he stopped by the office and tried to make me call off the wedding then he threatened me in the parking lot with a knife forced me into my car and had me drive to god knows where

Brittany:Oh my god Sam wouldn't

Santana:He saw me texting you and got even more upset and when I tried to calm him down he-

Brittany:(Cries)Please stop I don't wanna picture what he did

Santana:Come here

Brittany:(Walks over and hugs Santana)I-I'm so sorry this is my fault

Santana:No it's not don't say that


Walter:(Walks in)

Santana:Do I have to hire fucking security who are you

Brittany:(Pulls away and turns around)Oh hi Walter


Santana:(Looks at Brittany then at Walter and clears her throat)

Brittany:(Looks at Santana)Sorry baby this is Walter he's a detective and Walter this is Santana my fiance

Walter:Nice to meet you I've heard a lot about you and your business

Santana:(Looks at him)

Walter:Well I came in to ask you some questions

Santana:Well ask

Walter:W-well do you have any idea-


Walter:(Glances at Brittany)I wasn't done-

Santana:His name is Sam Evans he's driving a matte black audi r8 with the license plate LMM676 unless he switched cars I'm sure my fiance can help with anything else you need to know about him

Walter:(Looks at Santana)Um ok t-thanks

Santana:(Fakes a smile)

Brittany:(Wipes her eyes)San

Walter:I uh I just need your statement about what happened

Santana:(Takes a deep breath and groans)Well...

A/N:Hey guys a lot has been going on in life so I may not update my stories as frequently as I do now but I'll try to update whenever I can...thanks and Love Ya

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