Chapter Eight ▫ BiggER News

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Brittany:(Leaves the house in a loose black dress with her hair curled and black heels)


Brittany:(Walks in)

Sam:(Waves so Brittany sees him)

Brittany:(Walks over and hugs Sam)Hey

Sam:(Kisses Brittany)Hey you look beautiful

Brittany:(Smiles)Thank you

Rachel:(Hugs Brittany)Hey gorgeous

Brittany:Hey sexy


Finn:(Hugs Brittany)Hey Britt

Brittany:Hey big guy

Sam:Let's sit(Sits down)

Brittany:(Sits next to Sam)

Finn:(Sits across from Sam)

Rachel:(Sits next to Finn across from Brittany)So is Santana coming?

Brittany:She's supposed to be here

Santana:(Walks in talking to a girl)

Sam:She's here and looks like she brought a that Quinn?

Brittany:(Looks at Santana and then at Rachel)

Santana:(Walks over to the table)Hey sorry I'm late

Sam:No problem sit...hey Quinn

Quinn:Hey guys

Santana:(Sits in the chair on the other side of Brittany)

Quinn:(Sits by Santana)

Brittany:So I see you met Quinn

Santana:Yeah we literally bumped into each other and started talking and turns out we both are supposed to be here


Finn:Well now that we're all here

Sam:Let's eat

"Can I take your order?"

Sam:I'll have a burger and fries with a sprite

Rachel:I'll have the same but with a coke

Finn:I'll take some hot wings with fries and a water

Brittany:I'll take a cheese burger with fries and a strawberry soda

Santana:I'll have some hot wings with fries and a orange soda

Quinn:I'll take the same


Rachel:So Santana how did you get into the business?

Santana:My dad he owned the company and I would help out so when he passed away he left it for me

Finn:How did it grow so large like how did you remain on top?

Santana:It's actually funny(chuckles)My dad was big on winning if you lost you were no longer considered a Lopez


Santana:Yeah if you didn't get first place you would spend a week with my grandma and when she felt like you were ready to rejoin the Lopez family you could come back home so I feel like I have to win

Rachel:(Laughs)Are you serious?


Quinn:Were you ever not a Lopez?

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