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Santana:(Eating a salad)

Brittany:(Eating)I'm sorry about you having to come here

Santana:No it's not your fault it's because of how much money I have so if I'm not the one with the card then it's "stolen"


Santana:Maybe I'll just get you your own card

Brittany:(Coughs)Santana no way

Santana:Yeah I think I'll do it I'll just start by putting $25,000 on it

Brittany:That's a lot of money

Santana:Not really

Brittany:You're amazing

Santana:(Smiles)So Rachel how are you

Rachel:(Looks at Santana)I'm fine

Santana:How are things going with Finn

Rachel:(Speaks rudely)They're fine

Santana:(Looks at Brittany)Well that's good

Brittany:(Rolls her eyes at Rachel)Umm San excuse me I'm gonna head to the restroom

Santana:Um ok

Brittany:Rachel can you come with me

Rachel:(Stands up)

Brittany:(Stands up and kisses Santana)I'll be right back

Santana:Ok I'll be here

Brittany:(Smiles and pulls Rachel to the bathroom)


Brittany:Your attitude towards Santana is very rude

Rachel:How's it supposed to be when she's hur-

Brittany:She's not hurting me

Rachel:Then explain the rings on your wrist

Brittany:(Sighs and checks the bathroom stalls)Ok...the rings are from handcuffs

Rachel:Why were you wearing handcuffs

Brittany:Santana likes to be in charge during we tried something new...handcuffs blindfolds and whips

Rachel:(Shocked)oh my

Brittany:(Watches her)

Rachel:Brittany I can't believe YOU of all people would do something like that

Brittany:I know I shocked myself

Rachel:Can I ask something


Rachel:How was it

Brittany:(Blushes)It was WOW it increased the pleasure so much


Brittany:Now come on and be nice to her

Rachel:Ok but I see both of you totally different now

Brittany:And you can't tell her I told you

Rachel:Trust me my lips are sealed

Brittany:Good now come on

Rachel:(Walks out with Brittany)

Santana:(Stands up)Hey I um I have to get going but I will see you at home and Rachel I will see you at the party

Brittany:(Hugs Santana)Ok I'll see you at home

Santana:(Hugs back)We'll go over the card then


Rachel:Santana I'm sorry about how I was acting but now I um...I see things a WHOLE lot clearer


Santana:(Looks at Rachel and then at Brittany)Ok well um I'll see you later



Brittany:(Looks at Rachel)

Rachel:What I just never thought she would be the type to be into that

Brittany:I like it it's hot

Rachel:(Laughs)Let's go

Brittany:(Gets the boxes and leaves with Rachel)

(Later that night)

Santana:(Sitting on the couch with her laptop)

Brittany:(Laying with her feet on Santana's lap)

Santana:The money will be transferred by tomorrow


Santana:(Moves her laptop)Come here

Brittany:(Smiles and lays in Santana's arms)

Santana:Hey what was up with you and Rachel today

Brittany:Oh that Rachel kinda saw my wrist and-

Santana:Wait she saw them what did think

Brittany:She thought you were hurting me (chuckles)after she found out what really happened she was shocked

Santana:You told her

Brittany:Of course I did I mean I didn't want her thinking the woman I love is an abusive person

Santana:(Kisses the top of Brittany's head)

Brittany:(Smiles and looks up at Santana)Hey umm


Brittany:(Traces Santana's stomach)I was wondering...maybe we could take a trip to that amazing room upstairs

Santana:(Bites her lip)I think we can make that happen

Brittany:(Kisses Santana)

Santana:(Kisses back)

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