One Million Questions

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(Brittany's POV)

{Santana texted me to call the police and immediately I got worried but I did what she said and told them the address right after I quickly put on a pair of sweatpants a tank top and a jacket then made my way to the address Santana gave me for the police...As I got near the address I could see a group of people surrounding two police cars and an ambulance I drove over to them and quickly got out of my car...the minute I stepped out all I could here was yelling for people to move faster and be gentle I had no idea what was going on so I begin walking over and that's when I saw her laying on the ground clutching her stomach as blood seeped through her fingers and immediately fear and pain struck my heart...I screamed her name as I saw a few men lift her on to a gurney and quickly push her over to the back of an ambulance...I started pushing past everyone only to get stopped by police by then I was in tears and started screaming "She's my Fiance, She's my Fiance!!!" The ambulance drove away quickly and the officers told me they were taking her to the nearest hospital and I just need to follow so without hesitation I ran back to my car and drove to the hospital}

(30 minutes later at the hospital)


Rachel:(Runs to the front desk with Finn)I'm looking for-


Rachel:(Runs over and hugs her)Oh my god Brittany what happened

Mark:(Runs in)Brittany

Heather:(Runs in)Where is she!?!

Brittany:(Pulls away from Rachel)Mom!

Heather:(Hugs Brittany)Thank god you're ok

Mark:Sweetheart what happened we came as soon as we could

Brittany:(Cries)I-it's Santana s-she was in some kind of accident


Mark:What happened

Brittany:(Takes a deep breath)The police don't have all the details they think it was a robbery gone bad and someone stabbed her

Rachel:Where is she now

Brittany:In surgery b-but no one will tell me anything(cries harder)

Heather:Mark can you please find out what's going on

Mark:(Nods and walks over to the front desk)

Heather:(Hugs Brittany tighter)Shhh

Rachel:(Rubs Brittany's back)

Finn:Do they have any idea who it could be

Brittany:(Shakes her head)

Heather:(Holds back tears)

Brittany:I can't lose her I just can't


Walter:(Walks over)Excuse me are you guys here for Santana Lopez

Brittany:(Looks up)Y-Yes we are

Walter:I'm detective Walter um let's have a seat

Brittany:(Sits down)

Rachel:(Sits next to her)

Heather:(Does the same)

Finn:(Stands by Rachel)What is this about

Walter:Well I was called to the scene of the accident when a few things didn't add up

Brittany:What has to add up the police said it was a robbery gone bad

Walter:Well that's the thing nothing was stolen and there was no sign of a struggle at the scene

Brittany:What are you saying

Walter:Well according to what we have so far this wasn't a robbery gone bad...whoever was with Mrs.Lopez had intentions to kill her


Rachel:Who would do something like that

Finn:Some sick bastard

Walter:(Takes out a notepad)We are still looking at the crime scene but from the evidence we do have Mrs.Lopez arrived to the scene by car but the car hasn't been found so our theory is that she drives to the scene with the suspect something goes wrong and she ends up stabbed and on the ground now if I'm correct you are Mrs.Lopez's fiance


Walter:And you were also the one to call the police


Walter:Why did you call the police

Brittany:(Sniffles)S-Santana texted me and told me to so I did

Walter:And where were you

Brittany:I was at home w-waiting for her

Walter:Do you kn-

Dr.Kelly:(Walks over)Excuse me are you all here for Mrs.Lopez

Brittany:(Quickly stands)Yes

Mark:(Walks over)

Rachel:Is she ok

Brittany:(Cries)Is that her blood on your shirt oh god

Dr.Kelly:Don't let the blood fool you Santana is stable and doing fine we gave her something to numb the pain and to sleep so she's not awake at the moment but she is stable she also hit her head when she fell but it's nothing serious just a little bruise

Brittany:When can I see her

Dr.Kelly:The minute she wakes up we're going to check on a few things and if everything is good then you can see her right away

Brittany:If everything's ok...what does that mean

Mark:Britt she'll be fine...thank you doctor

Dr.Kelly:(Looks at Brittany)Your fiance is one hell of a fighter in deeper and it might not have looked so good

Brittany:I know

Dr.Kelly:(Smiles and walks away)

Walter:Maybe Santana knows who did this from the evidence we have we are almost positive she knew the suspect

Brittany:As much as I want this bastard caught the minute my fiance wakes up you will not ask her a million questions you will get 5 minutes alone with her then you will leave so she can rest

Walter:(Looks at Brittany)Ok

Brittany:Do you have any more questions

Walter:Yes um do you know anyone who would want to hurt Santana

Brittany:She runs a big time Marketing and Management company I know for a fact she has tons of enemies but I don't think any of them would go this far

Finn:Do you have any idea what weapon was used

Walter:Well from what it looked like a knife...possibly a hunting knife the blade had to be very sharp

Brittany:(Sits down)I can't believe this

Walter:That should do for now I'll give you your time(walks away)


Heather:(Hugs her)It'll be ok

Finn:I'm gonna go grab some things from the house I'll be back(bends down by Brittany)I promise you the person who did this is gonna pay for what they did

Brittany:I hope so

Finn:(Kisses Brittany's forehead and stands up)I'll be back(pecks Rachel's lips)

Rachel:Don't be long

Finn:(Runs out)

Mark:This is insane

Brittany:(Stares into space)

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