Let's Make A Deal

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(2 days until the party)


Santana:(Sucks on Brittany's pulse point)

Brittany:Santana wait

Santana:(Runs her hands across Brittany's body)


Santana:(Softly bites Brittany's neck)


Santana:(Pulls away)

Brittany:(Bites her lip)Don't we have to get going

Santana:Well yeah but I have to make a stop before work so I won't be in until a little later


Santana:(Pecks Brittany's lips and gets up)

Brittany:(Sits up and watches Santana)

Santana:(Gets dressed)Aren't you gonna get ready

Brittany:(Smiles)Yeah after the show


Brittany:(Gets dressed)


Santana:(Pecks Brittany's lips)

Brittany:Santana I'm really sorry about last night

Santana:Look it's in the past...you made a promise to me and I'm trusting that you'll keep it

Brittany:I will

Santana:As long as you wear that ring you are a Lopez and a Lopez always keeps their promises


Santana:Now I'll see you at the office soon ok


Santana:Don't forget to flash the ring

Brittany:(Laughs and gets in her car)


Brittany:(Waves and drives off)

Santana:But I didn't make a promise(takes off her jacket and gets in her car and makes a call)Yeah I'm on the way...just wait for me there

(With Brittany at the office)

Brittany:(Walks in)

Judy:Hi Brittany

Brittany:Hey(Moves hair behind her ear)

Judy:Holy crap(walks up to Brittany)what a diamond(grabs her hand)


Judy:Is this an engagement ring


Patrick:(Walks over)What's going on

Judy:Wait does this mean

Brittany:Yeah Santana proposed


Judy:You're kidding!


(More people gather)


(With Santana)

Santana:(Knocks on a door)

Sam:(Opens the door)

Santana:Hello Sam

Sam:What the hell are you doing here

Santana:(Walks in)I'd like you to meet Henry...My lawyer

Henry:(Walks in)

Sam:Can I help you with something

Santana:Yeah you can

Henry:(Pulls out a document)

Santana:You can sign this

Sam:(Snatches the document)What is this

Santana:(Looks at Henry)Explain

Henry:(Chuckles)The document states that if you sign it your divorce with Brittany will be final and you will receive $35,000 from Santana it also states that you will stay away from Brittany and never bother her again

Sam:There's no fucking way that's gonna happen

Santana:I had a feeling that would happen so...

Henry:If you don't sign the document then you will receive no money from Santana and in one week your divorce will be finalized by a judge

Sam:Brittany doesn't want you she kissed me last night

Santana:(Looks at Henry)

Henry:(Goes outside)

Santana:I know she kissed you

Sam:She loves me

Santana:No she made a mistake with you...see you used to have this control over Brittany but you don't have that anymore Brittany is mine

Sam:She will always be Brittany Susan Pierce-Evans

Santana:Funny you mentioned last names when the divorce is finalized and trust me it will be finalized sometime soon her name will be Brittany Susan Pierce-Lopez 


Santana:(Smiles)That's right trouty mouth I proposed to Brittany and she said yes which means soon everything that is mine will be hers and everything that was hers will all be memories slowly fading away...that includes you Sam and that giant suction cup you call your mouth...You and your vacuum cleaners will stay away from my fiance

Sam:(Pissed)You bitch(walks up to Santana and slaps her)

Santana:(Touches her cheek and smiles)It was nice chatting with you Sam(starts to leave)

Sam:(Watches her)

Santana:(Turns around and punches Sam in the jaw then slides him across the table)

Sam:(Hits the ground and groans)

Santana:To be honest I was pissed when Brittany told me you guys kissed but not at her at you for taking advantage of her kindness...all I wanted to do was find you and bash your head in(Kicks Sam in his side)She is mine and that's not gonna change


Santana:(Straightens her suit)Like I said it was nice chatting with you(leaves)


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