Dreams Just Retire

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(Brittany's POV)

{The whole thing with Sam had me stressed so I decided to just drive around and clear my head I admit I felt a little bad I did once love Sam but that love faded away Sam was my high school sweetheart and my first love and I'll always love him but not like I loved Santana just thinking about her sends chills down my spine her dark brown curly hair delicious soft lips brown chocolate eyes and sexy caramel skin she was everything I wanted in someone and now I have her}

Brittany:(Walks inside)

Ring ring ring

Brittany:(Answers her phone)

(Brittany's phone call)


Santana:How'd it go with Sam

Brittany:It was fine


Brittany:He wanted to work it out when he got back from his trip


Brittany:I told him no and gave him my wedding ring

Santana:You gave him your wedding ring


Santana:Your really serious about this

Brittany:I'm serious about us



Santana:I have to go


Santana:I'll see you when I get home(hangs up)

(End of phone call)


(Later 5:00pm)


Santana:(Walks inside)


Santana:(Walks into the kitchen)Brittany I'm home

Brittany:(Jumps up and runs into the kitchen)

Santana:(Turns around)Britt-

Brittany:(Jumps on Santana crashes her lips against hers)

Santana:(Surprised catches Brittany but kisses back)

Brittany:(Wraps her legs around Santana)

Santana:(Holds Brittany up by holding her ass)

Brittany:(Kisses deeper)

Santana:(Pulls away)It's nice to see you too

Brittany:Just fuck me already(Kisses Santana)

Santana:(Kisses deeper)

Brittany:(Runs her fingers through Santana's hair)

Santana:(Carries Brittany upstairs)

(Later 6:00pm)


Santana:(Kisses up to Brittany's Stomach)So good

Brittany:(Catches her breath)

Santana:(Kisses Brittany)

Brittany:(Kisses back)

Santana:(Lays next to Brittany)

Brittany:(Lays on her chest)

Santana:(Holds Brittany)So you missed me

Brittany:Yeah(traces Santana's stomach)


Brittany:How was work

Santana:I had a client today who made me think about dreams

Brittany:What do you mean

Santana:Well have you heard of a guy named Grant Hemmings

Brittany:Yeah he owns that huge casino in Las Vegas

Santana:Right well he came in today to talk about selling his casino and me being who I am I had to know how he got so successful

Brittany:What did he say

Santana:He said he never wanted to own a casino that was his father's dream he wanted to be a math teacher but his father made sure he kept the casino running...It made me think about what my dream is I've been so busy running the business I've just forgotten about my dreams

Brittany:What are your dreams

Santana:A family...being able to support them like my dad supported us

Brittany:I think that could happen one day

Santana:What are your dreams

Brittany:I wanted to be a dance teacher I actually was one

Santana:What happened

Brittany:I married Sam and he thought it would be a good idea if I quit since he was making a good amount of money from modeling so because I loved him I did so that dreams dead and gone

Santana:A dream never dies it just retires for awhile


Santana:How bout we get some sleep

Brittany:Ok night

Santana:Night(kisses Brittany's head)

Brittany:(Closes her eyes)

Santana:(Stares at the ceiling and thinks)



Santana:(Slowly gets up and goes to her office and makes a call)Hello...yeah it's Santana Lopez...I want you to look through my files and see if I have any large properties available...I know what time it is but if you wanna keep your job I suggest you start looking(hangs up)

A/N:Sorry if it's short

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